Reggae's Dazed and Confused Winter Grow


Well-Known Member
Dude I'm more fired up to hear what's going on with your crosses? Your way ahead of me in that regards.

So I looked at them 7 again today and it totally looks like 3 maybe even 4 different. The one in the center looks funny, Not funny haha funny queer. Too early for ball sack, but the leaves just aren't right. I also had another 50 sprout so there under peet and on there way. Oh dammit, I just had a thought. Now I need to find three different females AND there match. Or worst man at this point anything could be in that jar.. Lmao hopefully my sniffer will remember something if my eyes don't catch it first.
later man!


Well-Known Member
Well I was restless and couldn't sleep tonight so I went back to the archives (my perpetual sog thread here) and I found two names of what could be mixed with these beens. One was Chemdawg4 and the other is Romulan. Cool so blueberry cotton x with Rom and blueberry cotton x with chem..
Also I'm still gonna say the bulk of the beens are just blueberry cotton.?
Good times ahead..
nite yall

oh and look what I found while digging...
It's the original Charlie in full bloom. I hope Charlie2 turns out as good.



Well-Known Member
Ha ha not as fired up as i am just to get them finished hey, running more than one setup at a time is starting to get hectic lol. In saying that though, the 2 back crosses im doing at the moment seem to be working very well. All seem to behaving so the next few weeks should be interesting. I seriously have to take some damn photos, will try remember today ;)

Either way man, the crosses you have done sound great as well, should be dank as hell :D

And Charlie one looked like a very special girl too, keen to see how Charlie 2 turns out :-D


Well-Known Member
Ok man got some pics for ya :)

First up is the Blueberry x white shark female which is being pollinated by her brother.

Next up is a group shot of the blueberry x white shark female, male and a clone of the original mum for the back cross.

This is a shot of the white shark mum used for the back cross.

And next up is the blueberry x shiva skunk female which i'm using pollen from the original dad to do the back cross.

and another shot in different light.

I'm seeing some nice frost building up already which is awesome and the smell of the blueberry x shiva skunk is so sugary sweet, really cant wait to try her out hey!!


Well-Known Member
LOL charlie2, I will show you pic next time out. Most the other sours are like 4' tall and 3' around. Charlie is one branch with only like 3 nodes.. Haha! I will be shocked if she makes it full term.

That's sweet man a few weeks left. Looks like a good one too. Nice bud formation.
Lol, that's hella funny hearing you say caring for more than one setup is hard.. I'm at like 7 right now with 2 remote co-ops I care for.. I feel ya tho cause I know you have young kids that need your time just as much if not more. My kids are grown and gone except for daughter that lives with her mom.
Easy peezy! I can manage them with a phone call..
As for the grows well that can sure be a challange at times. Especially when I get emergecy calls and actual work.. Ugh!
keep it simple as long as you can my friend.


Well-Known Member
I never grew that shiva skunk but it's a big producer just like blueberry so I see a BIG winner Mo.. I'm gonna set a clock bro cause I'm dying for a smoke report on that girl..


Well-Known Member
Oh damn mate, charlie2 sounds like she wouldve had potential lol. Im sure she'll still produce some awesome smoke for ya though!!
Dude I'm pretty stoked with how they are forming too, the blue shark is under a 400w hps and the blue shiva are under 240w of cfl and to be honest the blue shiva looks better at this stage. Going to do a hydro run under the cfls and see how it goes :)
Yeah kids make it difficult to get out and play around in the tents, my main issue was going away for 2 weeks and having to set a timer to water them and hope i had enough water lol. This last time away didnt flood so they were watered properly this time thank fully! I dunno how you run 7 ops man, that shit is hectic lol. I reckon you'd get a lot of satisfaction (as well as headaches) helping people out though, you seem like a very easy going and helpful soul ;)
Mate im hanging to try the blue shiva hey, i have a clone from the original mum in there too and she's producing well like you said, the blie shiva im sure will be better :D


Well-Known Member
Speaking of them kids, today I was supposed to do a few Rez changes but then my daughter and son came over to visit. We had a great time playing a game of manopoly and my daughter made me a cool rasta scarf..
Way funner than any work in the lab, but now I have to work twice as hard tomorrow getting it all done.
you know man I do get some good satisfaction helping others get started. It is like you said fustrating at times being torn in different directions but when things are running smooth and I actually get rest. Well that's a good good feeling.

Trippy how the cfl's are giving better results with your girls. I had a purple diesel that didn't like bright light either. Glad you got your water issue worked out. That's a scary thing leaving town right after any type of change in the program.
Much respect Mo! Keep up all the good work.


Weed Modifier
i can finally like posts...ha.

nice to see you keeping us informed on your Awesome grow man! much respect. bro that last pic looks soooo familiar ;) and really to be honest, she taught me allot about the resilience of marijuana, and about not giving up til "you see" the results for yourself. then one can deside if keeping "them" going... is really worth it. to me it was, only cuz i needed to see it with my own eyes and also to experience it first hand. sos lol if that made any sense? hahah


Well-Known Member
Speaking of them kids, today I was supposed to do a few Rez changes but then my daughter and son came over to visit. We had a great time playing a game of manopoly and my daughter made me a cool rasta scarf..
Way funner than any work in the lab, but now I have to work twice as hard tomorrow getting it all done.
you know man I do get some good satisfaction helping others get started. It is like you said fustrating at times being torn in different directions but when things are running smooth and I actually get rest. Well that's a good good feeling.

Trippy how the cfl's are giving better results with your girls. I had a purple diesel that didn't like bright light either. Glad you got your water issue worked out. That's a scary thing leaving town right after any type of change in the program.
Much respect Mo! Keep up all the good work.
Lol it's always nice to have the kids as a distraction hey :D the scarf sounds wicked too!!

It's a nice feeling seeing enjoyment on others faces when you help me out, even if it is a bit of trouble sometimes :)

Mate I reckon they like the cfl's as I have 4 different spectrums in there, 2 x 2700k, 1 x 3700k, 1 x 4000 and 1x 5000k so they must be happy under those spectrums ;) will be interesting when I do the scrog in there!!

Im stoked the water worked out well too, didn't want to come home to dead girls, also means I can use it again when I go away for work and uni!

Much respect to you too bro, really enjoying your thread :)


Well-Known Member
What up Lime, that old thread was a trip reading back thru it the other day. We had some laughs, omg it was just as funny reading the second time.
you sure did learn a lot from that girl, we all did! I was proud to know you Lime, still am. Lmao I remember dragging you around to pray over different threads in need. You were MJ Jesus for reals. I hope your still passing on them good vibes to all those in need.. It was good you came back here Lime. With so many new members people like you are needed.

cheers to you bro.!


Well-Known Member
Lol it's always nice to have the kids as a distraction hey :D the scarf sounds wicked too!!

Mate I reckon they like the cfl's as I have 4 different spectrums in there, 2 x 2700k, 1 x 3700k, 1 x 4000 and 1x 5000k so they must be happy under those spectrums ;) will be interesting when I do the scrog in there!!

Much respect to you too bro, really enjoying your thread :)
these past few years have been rough Mo, and lots of my passion towards let's say things! Have been taken from me. Growing pot is one of the few things I still have left as a vise in life. But honestly man I would take the distractions from my kids any day over a day in the lab.. It was such an awesome surprise coming home from lunch and having my kids there. Maybe I'm just emotional lately but I almost started crying just seeing my sons car in front.

Dude as for your flo grow it's totally the different spectrums. Plants love diversity when it comes to lighting (at least in flower that is).
And thanks man, I'm really diggn the simplicity of this thread also. It has a nice calm to it that I really need these days. Lol I seriously got anxiety the other day reading my old thread. I laughed a bunch too so at least there was balance.
Anyways later man. I will TRY to get some pics of something up tomorrow.


Weed Modifier
What up Lime, that old thread was a trip reading back thru it the other day. We had some laughs, omg it was just as funny reading the second time. you sure did learn a lot from that girl, we all did! I was proud to know you Lime, still am. Lmao I remember dragging you around to pray over different threads in need. You were MJ Jesus for reals. I hope your still passing on them good vibes to all those in need.. It was good you came back here Lime. With so many new members people like you are needed. cheers to you bro.!
lol thanks man...yah i still try to pass positive vibes on to others, when im able.
these past few years have been rough Mo, and lots of my passion towards let's say things! Have been taken from me. Growing pot is one of the few things I still have left as a vise in life. But honestly man I would take the distractions from my kids any day over a day in the lab.. It was such an awesome surprise coming home from lunch and having my kids there. Maybe I'm just emotional lately but I almost started crying just seeing my sons car in front. Dude as for your flo grow it's totally the different spectrums. Plants love diversity when it comes to lighting (at least in flower that is). And thanks man, I'm really diggn the simplicity of this thread also. It has a nice calm to it that I really need these days. Lol I seriously got anxiety the other day reading my old thread. I laughed a bunch too so at least there was balance. Anyways later man. I will TRY to get some pics of something up tomorrow.
i totally feel the same bro no worries, family is first, pot ;) for realz..."a true man can admit to crying" i have and its good to have that kind of "feelings" towards others, especially your children. i like the pace of your thread least there is no bs..sos ha :D


Well-Known Member
Lol, I actually got brave last night Lime and went out and visited a few other threads. Man it's the same ol story with the bad advice and fighting. Not like I expected different, but I was hoping to make it one night with peace. Haha
I did find a couple blue dream threads I wanna follow tho.

Crying! Who said anything about crying.? I'm gonna have to edit that post. Lol J/k I'm a big sucker for them kids. Proud of it too!
I know you get it..


Well-Known Member
these past few years have been rough Mo, and lots of my passion towards let's say things! Have been taken from me. Growing pot is one of the few things I still have left as a vise in life. But honestly man I would take the distractions from my kids any day over a day in the lab.. It was such an awesome surprise coming home from lunch and having my kids there. Maybe I'm just emotional lately but I almost started crying just seeing my sons car in front.

Dude as for your flo grow it's totally the different spectrums. Plants love diversity when it comes to lighting (at least in flower that is).
And thanks man, I'm really diggn the simplicity of this thread also. It has a nice calm to it that I really need these days. Lol I seriously got anxiety the other day reading my old thread. I laughed a bunch too so at least there was balance.
Anyways later man. I will TRY to get some pics of something up tomorrow.
I hear ya there too man, been a mad struggle here for the past few years too, growing has been my sanity along with my kids, im so thankful i have 2 healthy, happy kids..cant wait till they are a bit older though so we can do more together :) i'd take distractions from my kids any day too man!!

Good to know Im doing something right with the cfls too, will be interesting to see how it goes with the hydro in there ;) cant wait!
Lots of peace in here man, if ya ever need some cool peeps to talk to you know me and Lime are here :D


Well-Known Member
Lmao! So I decided to be a shit disturber in a couple of the football threads. You guys watch football? I'm gonna make Seattle fans hate me this week.. Haha
Torment! Third form of stress relief. :lol:

:finger: ChickenHawks!


Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha nah man dont follow NFL, I barely follow Aussie footy. I do however follow soccer and am a mad Liverpool fan (please dont hold it against me lol). Ive never really understood the game of gridiron, always baffled me as to why it takes 4+ hrs to play a game lol.
Go hard though man, its always fun tormenting about a sport :lol:


Weed Modifier
Lol, I actually got brave last night Lime and went out and visited a few other threads. Man it's the same ol story with the bad advice and fighting. Not like I expected different, but I was hoping to make it one night with peace. Haha
I did find a couple blue dream threads I wanna follow tho.

Crying! Who said anything about crying.? I'm gonna have to edit that post. Lol J/k I'm a big sucker for them kids. Proud of it too!
I know you get it..
too funny reggae :lol:

thats whats good about this site is that it is entertaining, if one wants it to be, and also you can get some interesting info on growing if one wanted it.

i find some people can act differently online than in person ;) ...but if someone was to met me in person i have the exact same personality that i have online... i dont try to be something/someone else ...ha im lime :-P


Well-Known Member
Lol Mo I didn't think you would be a NFL fan. All about real football (soccer) for you right? I like soccer lots also. And hey man the game ain't 4+hrs haha it's like right at three. That would be way too much.
and oh yea I'm gonna screw with them chickenhawk fans big time.

That's whats up Lime, keep it real brotha! And yea man now that I found a few football threads and some Seahawk fans to torment it's actually fun...

And here goes one last top shot of a Sour..
Peace out y'all