The UK Growers Thread!

Bought a shit load of acid 2 years ago .Took them in the house with a few mates the mrs & her mates not a good idea moods on acid can change in a blink of an eye & with a load of you high as a kite it only tKes 1 person to say or do something & everything can change . Not a good night but it's still a well brought up topic makes us laugh . My bro was stuck in the corner of my room couldn't get out because of the wind crazy shit . Still got an envelope full of them in just won't sell them to people
Bought a shit load of acid 2 years ago .Took them in the house with a few mates the mrs & her mates not a good idea moods on acid can change in a blink of an eye & with a load of you high as a kite it only tKes 1 person to say or do something & everything can change . Not a good night but it's still a well brought up topic makes us laugh . My bro was stuck in the corner of my room couldn't get out because of the wind crazy shit . Still got an envelope full of them in just won't sell them to people

Yeah but its those events that make the night lol

Quite a lot of my mates are lesbos and i always remember one night we took some MD in a club n next thing i know im monging out on a random sofa in someones house watching bout 15 of these lezbos go at it with each other on the floor lmao, dont even remember leaving the club or going bk there, didnt stop me getting involved like someone had a gun to me head tho lmao
Got some mates who are gna be enjoying some MD for the 1st time tonight with me, what ya reckon on a good dose for a newby? 0.1/0.2g?
Was a proper druggy back when I was in my teens lolololol look back now & some of the best times of my life . I think with drugs it's not the drugs that's the problem it's the person taking them .
Was a proper druggy back when I was in my teens lolololol look back now & some of the best times of my life . I think with drugs it's not the drugs that's the problem it's the person taking them .

yeah same here, spent mosdt of my teen years off me head on MD,hanging out wiv the lesbos n playing with em lol, oh how i iwish i could go back in time as they were damn good times
Lol sae and his Lesbo crew sounds like you were the leader of some sort a wierd gang haha....I've an addictive personality I can't dabble too much otherwise I can go a bit wild with em lol look what happend when I was taking them stupid feckin tablets lmao...weeds bad enough for me sometimes i feel that's got control of me
Nah man I've an addictive personality 2 infact I've been addicted to quite a few things but mdma is a pretty safe drug when it comes to addiction (saying that I use to drop 3-5 es after school for ages haha) cuz its more of a house party/ rave drug, not like you go man imma double drop n watch the Simpsons lol during the comedown U don't wanna do it again haha all U can do is smoke pot.
Haha bingo me mon ony left us with .6 of flake this mornin haha the cunt just foned me and said look in yr elephants lol ive got three little woden statues and the boy had only put it in there wot a mon! u kno im gonna b trashed again later and me fuckin fones goin off cus there is noway im goin work tomoz fuck that the only problem is said flaje keeps stairing at me and I just wanna av a nice line now haha it ay gonna last is it so fuck it me session might aswell start now muhahahaha