Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Alright guys I promised I would show you guys a lil something. So here's something I threw together in my stoned stupor for ya guys

Hope ya all enjoy



Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;lKm4E2lprd0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKm4E2lprd0&feature=share&list=UUKGomXV07G FAJmix1POvy3w&index=5[/video]


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;7R_vKKZfNaY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R_vKKZfNaY&list=UUKGomXV07GFAJmix1POvy3w& feature=share&index=6[/video]


Well-Known Member
told wifey last night as she was watching her show on TV.... That's it.. you are not getting any tonight.. she asked what did I do?? I said.. ok, we you can have some tonight.. she laughed..


Well-Known Member
told wifey last night as she was watching her show on TV.... That's it.. you are not getting any tonight.. she asked what did I do?? I said.. ok, we you can have some tonight.. she laughed..
Genius. Jedi mind fucked her into fucking you. The force is strong in this one.


Well-Known Member
Well my eye is still fucked up. It's hard to gauge if it's any better 36hrs post paper cut. I think it might be a tad better, at the very least it ain't any worse. I'm debating on whether or not to go to a MedExpress and get some antibiotic eye drops just in case. Leaving in 5 days and I don't want the border agents to think I have conjunctivitis or something and be barred from entering. That would suck. I'm freaking out alittle. Fuck.


Well-Known Member
Cornea scratches suck. Don't think an antibiotic will help it heal unless it has some type of infection. If you think it might be infected get thee to a doc today.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Just a lil something else.

Now time for bed
My son tried this bit. I had to calmly explain he was our way out. That when I pinched him he must squall. I did my end, he did his. I was hoping he didn't remember... oops.

[video=youtube;lKm4E2lprd0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKm4E2lprd0&feature=share&list=UUKGomXV07G FAJmix1POvy3w&index=5[/video]
We won't discuss how many times I've lost my computer glasses right there. I've actually wandered the house like the israelites in the desert for some 40 years hunting them. Only to have the hub point... and laugh... sigh...

told wifey last night as she was watching her show on TV.... That's it.. you are not getting any tonight.. she asked what did I do?? I said.. ok, we you can have some tonight.. she laughed..
I was guessing your peanut butter LOL! I KNOW YOU!

Well my eye is still fucked up. It's hard to gauge if it's any better 36hrs post paper cut. I think it might be a tad better, at the very least it ain't any worse. I'm debating on whether or not to go to a MedExpress and get some antibiotic eye drops just in case. Leaving in 5 days and I don't want the border agents to think I have conjunctivitis or something and be barred from entering. That would suck. I'm freaking out alittle. Fuck.
No, now you must see an opthalmologist. Get on it immediately Neo. Sorry nothing else if you've opened that globe you can lose the eye or the cornea. You gotta be seen for this. If you had it taped for 24 with no pressure that's the next step.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't think it's infected. I just was contemplating getting them so there are no other setbacks. You know that somebody's law... What can go wrong, will go wrong kinda thing.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
i've had steel slivers dug out of my eye.....twice.

now that sucked, but they healed fast.

hang in there neo, the doc, told me eye's are the fastest healing part of the body.


Well-Known Member
In all honesty I did go and get tape and tape it shut but kept getting dizzy only looking out of the 1 eye and took the tape off not long after. I spent most of yesterday on the couch with my eye closed and a cold compress over it. My vision is not impaired. My eyes feel fine when I have it open, it's when it's closed I have alittle discomfort, as if something is stuck in it, probably the eyelid brushing against the abrasion. The eyeball itself is just alittle red. Not completely bloodshot or broken blood vessels or anything. I don't know. Thanks for the input. I'm gonna go kill myself.


Well-Known Member
I get to teach Bible class next Friday.. I have spoken in front of the gaggle 3 times in the past.. each time for less then 30 mins.. each of these times I felt I had a bag of marbles in my mouth while speaking.. and each of these times I feel like I am about 1-2 mins off from fulling passing out..

One of these times I spoke (the shortest time thank God) was when I was speaking to the Pastor (my neighbor too) and he tells me.. Great.. your Teaching this tonight.. (had a total of 4 hour prep time.. so that helped)

On this teaching I have been prepping for 2 years.. (Rapture/Jewish wedding ceremony) and actually asked the Pastor to teach this.. so I have myself to blame for this.. :)

I have never liked speaking in large groups.. I did a presentation back in Jr High and it was how to make Nunchucks.. (yeah.. cant even point a finger now a days.. yet I was ok to show folks how to make a weapon.. bring weapon to school.. and demo the weapon .. yes.. I have hit the jewels a few times.. but I loved to use them and tonfa's)

So I did the presentation in front of the classmates.. I was horrible.. I could hear myself saying "and ummm" about every 5th word...(I didn't know it was possible to sweat that much... ) any how finished the chucks and passed out eval cards to the classmates.. did pretty good.. but I got this one card.. from the Japanese family who lived near us.. (she was beautiful too) and all the card said was good job.. and um.... you need to slow down and um... when you.. and ummmmm speak..

So.. my question is... what is the best medible recipe to cause me to go thru something.. I asked for.. but.. and too damn afraid to do.. anyone else fear speaking in groups like this? I dislike eating in front of groups too.. took me years to eat in front of the inlaws..

(medible rant ok?)


Ursus marijanus
I get to teach Bible class next Friday.. I have spoken in front of the gaggle 3 times in the past.. each time for less then 30 mins.. each of these times I felt I had a bag of marbles in my mouth while speaking.. and each of these times I feel like I am about 1-2 mins off from fulling passing out..

One of these times I spoke (the shortest time thank God) was when I was speaking to the Pastor (my neighbor too) and he tells me.. Great.. your Teaching this tonight.. (had a total of 4 hour prep time.. so that helped)

On this teaching I have been prepping for 2 years.. (Rapture/Jewish wedding ceremony) and actually asked the Pastor to teach this.. so I have myself to blame for this.. :)

I have never liked speaking in large groups.. I did a presentation back in Jr High and it was how to make Nunchucks.. (yeah.. cant even point a finger now a days.. yet I was ok to show folks how to make a weapon.. bring weapon to school.. and demo the weapon .. yes.. I have hit the jewels a few times.. but I loved to use them and tonfa's)

So I did the presentation in front of the classmates.. I was horrible.. I could hear myself saying "and ummm" about every 5th word...(I didn't know it was possible to sweat that much... ) any how finished the chucks and passed out eval cards to the classmates.. did pretty good.. but I got this one card.. from the Japanese family who lived near us.. (she was beautiful too) and all the card said was good job.. and um.... you need to slow down and um... when you.. and ummmmm speak..

So.. my question is... what is the best medible recipe to cause me to go thru something.. I asked for.. but.. and too damn afraid to do.. anyone else fear speaking in groups like this? I dislike eating in front of groups too.. took me years to eat in front of the inlaws..

(medible rant ok?)
also ... the increasing unavailability of fresh Nun.

As for your question ... something containing not only medible but some espresso and a bit of Kahlua?