My first grow guys!


No switch straight to flower hps light, make sure you flush before you do, usually just before flower is the best time to flush out the old nutrients, then the next water switch the lights to flower and off you go.

Your pots are still a bit small, you can probably transplant them at least another 1-2 times bigger, but if your just going for small grow and fast I guess they should be ok, more the issue is with veg and the roots getting bound, but if your only keeping them small prior to 12/12 this isn't as big a deal. When I transplanted was about same as your growth and perfect timing for the size pots I had them in.

an option as well which reduces the shock to the plants is to adjust the light cycle more naturally, so if your planning to switch say the 24th rather than go straight to 12/12 I would suggest:

20th 16/8
22nd 14/10
24th 12/12

people say a 48 period of darkness is necessary, but think about outside, they never have 48 hours of darkness, so while some people do this, I don't think it is necessarily essential.

Haha for some reason I just thought of growing in Alaska outdoors, 6 months of light 6 months of dark, man that would be a pain in the ass haha, not to mention the cold


Well-Known Member
No switch straight to flower hps light, make sure you flush before you do, usually just before flower is the best time to flush out the old nutrients, then the next water switch the lights to flower and off you go.

Your pots are still a bit small, you can probably transplant them at least another 1-2 times bigger, but if your just going for small grow and fast I guess they should be ok, more the issue is with veg and the roots getting bound, but if your only keeping them small prior to 12/12 this isn't as big a deal. When I transplanted was about same as your growth and perfect timing for the size pots I had them in.

an option as well which reduces the shock to the plants is to adjust the light cycle more naturally, so if your planning to switch say the 24th rather than go straight to 12/12 I would suggest:

20th 16/8
22nd 14/10
24th 12/12

people say a 48 period of darkness is necessary, but think about outside, they never have 48 hours of darkness, so while some people do this, I don't think it is necessarily essential.

Haha for some reason I just thought of growing in Alaska outdoors, 6 months of light 6 months of dark, man that would be a pain in the ass haha, not to mention the cold
I have some five gallon pots I'm thinking of putting them in think that is too big? And what you think about that kerala?


If your switching to 5 gallon pots it would be fine, but I would recommend giving them two weeks to recover, also it depends if you want to grow them out bigger or just get a quick crop. In 5 gallon I'd probably either top them till they have 15-20 tops and are much bushier or grow them till they stretch more and focus on the top colas, you will only have 1-2 big tops perhaps but many popcorn buds on the lower growth if you don't trim.

its really up to you how you want to grow them out and how much of a rush your in to get to flower, I can't say because that's really your choice. A good option is to wait till that 40-50 days so you can determine sex and your plant will have a lot more growth, producing more bud sights, but if it turns out to be male you will have to cut it. If you switch to flower earlier you will have a smaller plant with a few main colas and probably determine sex faster but perhaps little lower yields. It's all growers choice how they do things and how much patience you have, that's what growings all about patience and time.


If you left them in veg till then it would give your little plant more time to catch up and you could swap them all together, your Kerala would pull some different yields from the longer vegged plants and it would be a good learning experience seeing the difference in size and quantity based on when you flip in my opinion, maybe leave them veg 3 more weeks, transplant all but the small to 5 gallon this week and leave the Kerala in smaller pot thru flower. Just as an experiment, what do you think?


Well-Known Member
If your switching to 5 gallon pots it would be fine, but I would recommend giving them two weeks to recover, also it depends if you want to grow them out bigger or just get a quick crop. In 5 gallon I'd probably either top them till they have 15-20 tops and are much bushier or grow them till they stretch more and focus on the top colas, you will only have 1-2 big tops perhaps but many popcorn buds on the lower growth if you don't trim.

its really up to you how you want to grow them out and how much of a rush your in to get to flower, I can't say because that's really your choice. A good option is to wait till that 40-50 days so you can determine sex and your plant will have a lot more growth, producing more bud sights, but if it turns out to be male you will have to cut it. If you switch to flower earlier you will have a smaller plant with a few main colas and probably determine sex faster but perhaps little lower yields. It's all growers choice how they do things and how much patience you have, that's what growings all about patience and time.
Okay so if I wanted to go to five gallon I might need to transplant now? Or wait another week, I was planning on flowering week after next..I could just use these 3 gallon pots I have.. Lol that would be sufficient enough right. I have all sizes lmao


Oh your in 3 gallon, yes that's fine, I thought you were in 1 gallon. I use mm and liters so it gets a little err to me when trying to work out gallon to liter to mm, ha.

just leave them in 3 gallon if your swapping, and I'd say the bag seed either put it outside or just put it under a lamp to veg for few weeks, then stick it in your tent, I thought it was another Kerala, sorry.


Well-Known Member
I did the time before the last watering. But not this last time. And I do let the plants dry out before transplanting right?
Ya let it dry it will make it easier to get out of the current pot.
I usually fed my plants every second watering.