Sorry to put you through that I just thought you might recognize the panels and as expected you did and had reached similar opinions as mine. He uses absurd mathematics and of no relevance. He has 'normalized' charts where the values exceed 100% of the Y Axis. Seriously? To be properly represent these values he would have to show normalized integrals within the PAR curve. What he has presented puts his values literally off the charts!
L Michael Roberts knows induction as an area light but his danger is in trying to act like an immediate expert at plant lighting with a meandering and poorly written diatribe which aims to prove his intellectual and product superiority over all other induction lamps and technology available? When you throw everything under the sun into your paper like where on page 45 he uses 9 charts shown in 5 minute intervals that when a lamp warms up it will stabilize intensities and spectrums. We grow plants with the lights on for 12+ hours a day. Does it really take two pages of charts to tell us that?
On page 18 under Theory in the second sentence he admits to having produced his own PAR curve. What McCree or DIN 5031.10 wasn't good enough?
GG do me a favor and take a moment to go hit the pipe....
.....ahh that's better. Now go to pages 6 and 7 and tell me that a review of those charts won't snark you out after a minute or two. If that was his intention than well done!
He values his work to the point that he must maintain STRICT copyright control over everything within this document. The only reason I threw in with IG on the V-C-F paper (after reading this paper I'm glad I did) was if it could be understood by anyone with a reasonable understanding of plants and light and it could NOT be copyright protected. Once that was agreed to we were off to the races. After reading the Roberts paper I was left with a sense of what will this type of publicity do to induction lighting as an energy efficient grow lighting option? I don't think it will but it had damn well better outperform every competitor and technology or this research work is going to be forever challenged.
I like induction and LED and welcome the spirited competition amongst the technologies and the various manufacturers. But this 45 page paper by Mr. Roberts is rambling and misguided and that is as friendly a review as you're gonna get here.
Sorry didn't mean to jack the thread. We will now return you to your normal programming.