Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
huge announcement!!! made up my mind and decided too LST my WW i also took a clone today too (im nervous for ym clone). ALSO i fimmed on branch and also topped another branch to play around. i read you can top twice max.... so im done topping lol. but i also heard you can top as many times as you want xD anyways i hope everyone is doing well and is alive!!!! im about to pack ym bowl so heres to all of you!!!! bongsmilie:arrow:bongsmilie:arrow:bongsmilie:arrow:bongsmilie:arrow::lol::lol:puff pass puff pass :D


Well-Known Member
huge announcement!!! made up my mind and decided too LST my WW i also took a clone today too (im nervous for ym clone). ALSO i fimmed on branch and also topped another branch to play around. i read you can top twice max.... so im done topping lol. but i also heard you can top as many times as you want xD anyways i hope everyone is doing well and is alive!!!! im about to pack ym bowl so heres to all of you!!!! bongsmilie:arrow:bongsmilie:arrow:bongsmilie:arrow:bongsmilie:arrow::lol::lol:puff pass puff pass :D
I lost count on how many times I topped my last plant.....:mrgreen: IMG_0238.jpg


Well-Known Member
huge announcement!!! made up my mind and decided too LST my WW i also took a clone today too (im nervous for ym clone). ALSO i fimmed on branch and also topped another branch to play around. i read you can top twice max.... so im done topping lol. but i also heard you can top as many times as you want xD anyways i hope everyone is doing well and is alive!!!! im about to pack ym bowl so heres to all of you!!!! bongsmilie:arrow:bongsmilie:arrow:bongsmilie:arrow:bongsmilie:arrow::lol::lol:puff pass puff pass :D
You can top as many times as you want.
Watch LGC's grows...
He tops, FIM's, and LST's until you would think somebody would tell him no more.
If you have the patience for the plant to catch up, you can do anything you want.


Well-Known Member
woohoo tater juice! my uncle loved that stuff. I'm a Hosea girl myself ;) always have been, always will be :mrgreen: wish you could hit this vape bro, its sweet as hell!

aw fuck! well hell man a 245 is a helluva game!
you'll get his ass next time.
I use to know a Russian that use to make his own potato Vodka..... God rest his soul


Well-Known Member
245 Is great but Fuck a 300...Cant beat that.........
woohoo tater juice! my uncle loved that stuff. I'm a Hosea girl myself ;) always have been, always will be :mrgreen: wish you could hit this vape bro, its sweet as hell!

aw fuck! well hell man a 245 is a helluva game!
you'll get his ass next time.
Fuckin cocky MF, I wanted to beat him all 3 games, but at least I got him the second game.:finger:


Well-Known Member
speaking of games.... I still have a Tetris game/challenge started that Im starting to think will never get played. lol. Cant get enough people to want to play it.
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