Stoneslacker's 250w micro, hempy, scrog - Blue Hash, Afghan Kush Special. Cheese


Well-Known Member
Getting some good growth now. The Black Russian is fully recovered and has all kinds of nice new growth. The Crit+ is very bushy and has been in beast mode from the start.

Big Buddha Cheese has started to fill in and branch out. She has a nice even branch layout at 6 per side so I think she will end up nice and even. The Trainwreck is
still struggling along. I've bent her right over and have 6 nice new branches coming off her main stem, but these started from small nodes and are slow growing.

I boxed the back area in somewhat with some reflectix. A bit ghetto but should work good.

In order- BR, BBC, Crit+, TW




Well-Known Member
Looking nice SS, looks like you'll have another carpet of chronic in no time huh. I see you're staying with the 2 gallon buckets too, seems to be the perfect size for what u got going on. Cant wait to see these girls mature into fine woman.


Well-Known Member
Looking nice SS, looks like you'll have another carpet of chronic in no time huh. I see you're staying with the 2 gallon buckets too, seems to be the perfect size for what u got going on. Cant wait to see these girls mature into fine woman.
Thanks man. The 2 gallons are almost perfect for my setup, could be just a bit shorter though I'm not complaining. I do think that there was an overall increase in plant size and yield.

Lookin real good Stoney, should get a nice even canopy too :)
Hey Easty thanks man. The 3 should end up very full and even hopefully, and with some luck and decent stretch the Trainwreck will catch up once I flip them.
Looking like I'll be flipping them in the next couple days here, I'll update later this week.


Well-Known Member
Well sitting at day 6 of flower, haven't updated in a while. Hasn't been anything but a bunch of stretching going on so not much missed.
The Black Russian, Crit+, and Big Buddha Cheese-2.0 are nice and evenly spread out now. All 3 should have nice canopies and I'll look to start trimming the undergrowth
and thinning out weak branches.
The TW is not so full and is only about 60-70% coverage right now. I am wishing I would have topped her now and possibly stimulated some growth out of her.



BBC 2.0


Canopy shot

I just switched to a transition mix and will continue to feed like this till around day 14. I'll flush at that point and switch to a more
aggressive bloom mix and start the koolbloom.



Well-Known Member
Bad ass stone. Looking really good and full in there to me. A few more weeks and its more interesting. :-). Im headed to the end of my fifth week already. Neck and neck w jig.

I think you will be happy with the 4th plant. :-)


Well-Known Member
Bad ass stone. Looking really good and full in there to me. A few more weeks and its more interesting. :-). Im headed to the end of my fifth week already. Neck and neck w jig.

I think you will be happy with the 4th plant. :-)
Hey SG, thanks. Things should definitely get more interesting shortly. I definitely am glad I added the 4th plant, and the Kessils seem to be doing a proper job so far.

I love this grow, here to follow! Keep up the good work :bigjoint:
Welcome SB. Thanks for the compliment and feel free to post away on here, pretty loose journal.

I seen you commenting on LED tech over on JD's thread and wanted to add that Jela10 over at World of Hempy uses Area-51 LED panels
and swears by them. He started using them for his summer grows and has now officially replaced his HID with them. His results have been
outstanding, large, dense buds and great structure. So there is hope that the LED tech will be the wave of the future, I'm just a little impatient though.

Was checking out this newer company and it looks like they have a nice product. That site "growershouse" did a PAR test on a group of their LED
lights and the California Light Works tested out at or near the top in all categories.

Setting up to be another beautiful grow SS.

TW does seem a bit pole-y.

Yeah the TW is definitely the runt of the bunch. Still she has come a long way from here.

She was definitely a sickly, little runt. If there would have been more than the one node at the top I would have topped her and she may have turned out more evenly branched.



Well-Known Member
Thanks SS and Easty. They are a bit smaller and slightly behind the last grow but overall canopy size is comparable. Overall plant height is slightly less this round too so that should help with light coverage.

Day 13 of 12/12. Haven't had a lot of time to do more than water them and adjust the stretch growth across the screen.

Tops have crowned and should start stacking up here shortly. I gave them their 1st flush yesterday and will let them dry for the next four days
and then start the liquid koolbloom.




Well-Known Member
Its hard to dial new strains into the perfect scrog. Props to you man. Your like me, always room for improvement, and im my worst critic. Plants look great. No they start to rise up! :-)


Well-Known Member
Thanks SG. As you said there is always room for improvement and most of what is enjoyable about growing is working towards getting a little better each time.

Day 19 and all 4 have responded well to the koolbloom. Starting out light at 1.5mL/gal and I'll bump it up to 2-3mL around the middle to end of next week.
I'll flush again sometime after day 30 then go to full strength LKB.

Trimmed out most of the undergrowth and a few low hanging branches. Cheese before and after.

Things are going along fairly smooth so far. Even the Trainwreck is looking more impressive as I've tried to force her to get some coverage. I'll start to update some individual pics as
they begin to bulk going into next week.


