i think i found a way to get higher

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
man, so my tolerance is pretty high right now, cant really seem to get that high anymore. i smoke mainly out of my bong with so called high grade.

anyway i took a big bong hit with some keif sprinkled on top, and after about 3-4 seconds, i couldnt hardly hold it, so i let out about 1/3rd of the smoke, and then inhaled as much as i could. held it for another good 5 seconds, exhaled and felt a pain deep down in my lungs like the smoke had gone down somewhere its never been.

anyway im high as shit now :D


Well-Known Member
You let your diaphragm work with you instead of taking a Pull with your shoulders up high and tense and no diaphragm pulling downward.
Relax, Breathe deep make your Belly rise and fall and learn to Only breathe that way.
it's a healthier way to Breathe from your Abdomen rather than your chest.
breathing from the chest can possibly cause problems with your body,
like back muscle spasms,
cramps in neck muscles to name a few.

For me Rolling a Joint and taking three tokes gets me higher than any Bong I have.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
I like to take that big bong rip and then go huff off an exhaust pipe and it gets me high like none other.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
But really, exhale a third, inhale some more, hold in for a total of 8 seconds? What is being contributed to society here? A few less brain cells, some more lung damage, a slight increase in high, a large increase in retardation.


Active Member
If you have something better to comment on than go to a different thread? lol. I liked the conversation on inhaling with your diaphragm, deeper inhalation. makes total sense.


Well-Known Member
Really no need to hold a hit in longer then 5 sec and duh kief on top will get u higher...also pack smaller bowls and smoke the bowl in one go(snapper)



Well-Known Member
"So called high grade" there ya go. I am a long time heavy toker, not lung heavy but heavy on frequency... potency is key and a tolerance can be broken by simply taking a break for a few days.


Well-Known Member
People Breathe wrong....
ever watch a baby breathe, the inhale and air expands the belly, we are born diaphragm breathers.

thru our growing up we lose that correct breathing technique and take on the breathing of a Stressed person.

Most all people breathe and feel tight, it is tension from life manifesting as physical constriction causing people to take shorter more shallow breathes.

Finally a persons breathing pattern stays short and shallow which requires a faster rate of breathe to properly oxygenate the blood.

What is Chi or Ki or Jing?

Chi means Air, it refers to an intrinsic energy that is inside of us and it also exists all around the universes it's everywhere like "Air"!

( I know no air in space, but the "intrinsic energy called Chi" can exist and expand into infinity in teaching and in theory.)

Proper breathing is a excellent way to increase health.

Chinese MA name for Chi exercises is Qui Gong.

Find a Teacher, he will correct your breathing on your first lesson.

My "breathing" knowledge comes from 7 years of intense MA training that included Meditation twice Daily at home.

We also sat as a class 9 times a week, 1 hour sit required after class.

I trained 3 hours a class, 3 classes a week for 7 years straight in Aiki Jutsu.

Class was a mouthpiece and Cup environment with regular injuries to all class members.

Bleeding was normal, mainly fat lips and bloody noses.

I barely missed a Class till my Daughter was born, I had 4a.m. And 6 a.m. Feedings I had to let the wife sleep.

After 7 years even an American Like me can learn to Breathe correctly.


Well-Known Member
I think I found a way to get higher too... Stupid me, I just added a little crack to my coke and whammy, I was not expecting That...