The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
in the first pic the DOG is closest to the left n og to the right. dbxl 1 back left,dbxl 3 in the middle in the reg pot n no2 back pic 5 you can really see the colour of the DOG. pic 7 is dbxl 3, the one thats really been amazing, you can see for yourself but saying this she has a little clawing going but i had given her, her first nute feed earlier on that day so after next water shell be grand.


Well-Known Member
went to go online and my wimax was cut off so borrowed a bros old wimax box and what do you know it works in my house, he upgraded to the dish on the gaff wimax so the wifi is switched off his old box but with an ethernet cable you get net hahahaha suppose i had o have some luck...

going to download a shit load of films now and sure he`ll have to pay them hahahahaaha....
Hello ae86. Sorry to hear about hospital trip.

I picked up an imagine wimax box for 10e in a carboot sale. Brought it home, turned it up and bingo....internet. They had not turned off account. Had free internet for about 9 months. Happy day's.


Well-Known Member
Hey R31. Cant view them pic's at the mo as in a class. But look forward to having a good gander later. Be good dude. And happy house hunting.


Well-Known Member
nice plants R3, in pic 3 tho it looks like u might have a little heat problem, at the top of ur plant the leaves tips are mising that a sign of too much heat near the top


Well-Known Member
Haha thanks mate, that was my first ever attempt at fimming haha temps never pass 24 that's why im up for a 600w flower


Well-Known Member
House was awesome, 3bed each room had its own bathroom n all tile n wooden floor (great for pets) n a nice back garden.perfect for a grow room n all but alas at the end he added the lender would drop by for the rent every month n would do weekly visits at the start....need I say more haha...shame.


Well-Known Member
Hello all, hope everyone had a good day. Weather gone to shite down my neck of the woods. Was glad the fire was light when I got home. Nice pics R31. Shame about the landlord dude. The ensuite bathroom thing rocks. Had one toilet in the old house. Now have three. I feel like I have to spread myself around all three or one might get jealous.


Well-Known Member
oh its getting raped... jst have to find something worth the download now, typical either seen it or its shit so not worth the time, might download the godfather trilogy and a (good) few spagetti westerns, anything with clint or waynne will do for a rainy day, or boreing hospital stay...
try rush, good F1 story about Nikki Lauda and James Hunt, Back when F1 was real, and men where men.


Well-Known Member
Plants were a bit dropey lately so was trying to work out was it over/under water or heat. Turn's out it was heat. ae86 had said that thermowrap can cause heat spots and as per usual he was right. Will strip it out and paint white next grow. She got watered+fed with low mix of biobloom and she looking nice and perky today. Vertical growth had slowed for a day or two but is back on track.
Did 70 mile round trip last night to get some smoke. Hadnt slept right in about 3 week's and have exam thing next week. Slept like a log last night and now everything is roses and rainbows with the world.


Well-Known Member
By the way @R31, I ran your pics through some software and they are clean. You had said you were a little nervous of posting pics the other night.