The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

125% yes. I use it all the time for my capsule mixture and it is amazing, as long as you have some very good product and not just plant matter. I am actually getting ready to run a batch and if you'd like I can do a tutorial in a thread and show you how I use it. Also sorry Frenchy I am sorry for spammin your thread at least I feel I spam sometimes.

Hi Confucious, Not sure what the 125% Yes refers to. There are three questions in my post. Can you be a bit more specific? BTW I am using quality material. Also, of course I defer to the good offices of one Mr Cannoli but I'm happy to hear from other folks and Frenchy has said He's cool with people throwing in knowledge so I can venture to say "no foul Bruddah"
yes the 190 will make your 160 that much better then if you used just the 220 because most people use the 220 in the machine plus a 220,190,160 and so on and the 220 and 190 get tossed the 160 is good for edibles then 120-45 is good and sometimes 25 is good but its always good for edibles. I hope this answers your question

Frenchy, A question on catch bag and edibles. As I'm using just 3 bags the 160 is all plant matter. You mention using it for edibles. I do have the 220 triangular shaped bag that came with the machine and was thinking I could use it to catch the plant matter by
using a portion of it between the hose and the 160. [not filling it with trim though] Would that be of any benifit? Also, If I do buy a 190 instead, would it be that much better than the 220 and really improve the 160?
Barring all the above, would just cooking with all the matter in my 160 catch bag be any use?
yes the 190 will make your 160 that much better then if you used just the 220 because most people use the 220 in the machine plus a 220,190,160 and so on and the 220 and 190 get tossed the 160 is good for edibles then 120-45 is good and sometimes 25 is good but its always good for edibles. I hope this answers your question

Thanks Shawns, I got the 160,73 and 45 going but once the 160 catch bag material dried I could smell more goodness. I guess I'll do butter with that and get a 190 to clean the 160 next time . For the record , I'm not using the 120 triangle that came with the machine as I'm letting the material swim in the water a la our fearless leader. Thank for the advice ,I will add the 190.
Hi Confucious, Not sure what the 125% Yes refers to. There are three questions in my post. Can you be a bit more specific? BTW I am using quality material. Also, of course I defer to the good offices of one Mr Cannoli but I'm happy to hear from other folks and Frenchy has said He's cool with people throwing in knowledge so I can venture to say "no foul Bruddah"
I meant by saying 125% yes that you can positively use your 160 bag for edibles. As for the other questions you had, Shawns pretty much summed it up for the both of us. I will still be starting a thread soon on what I do with my 160 in the edibles section, so keep your eyes open for that or I'll just let you know.
I meant by saying 125% yes that you can positively use your 160 bag for edibles. As for the other questions you had, Shawns pretty much summed it up for the both of us. I will still be starting a thread soon on what I do with my 160 in the edibles section, so keep your eyes open for that or I'll just let you know.
Thanks Confucious, I'm looking forward to it.
I chopp it real fine on a Pyrex...after I have pressed it with a lot of towels to get it as dry as I can..I wait 2 days..depends on the strain me some strains look dry an hour 2 days long enough or should I go by texture,smell,or look...or wait longer than 2
When you dry in really good conditions and that you really spread your trichomes on your drying tray, 2 days are plenty but you should always go by texture, smell and look nonetheless
Frenchy, can you explain what you do to retrieve from the alcohol? I have cleaned bags and utensils and left the oil to evaporate in stainless bowl However it crept up on me and after little [so it seemed] evaporation ,all of a sudden,
just a golden film on the bowl and I could not remove it. So, I added the next batch of 99'% after use and it combined with the first. However the same will happen in a few days. Do you suggest putting it in a pyrex tray to dry in ?
and last of all, what do we do with it ? is it like the "hash oil" from back in the day ?
I keep my "cleaning alcohol" until it is very dark, then let evaporate all alcohol and have oil, basic alcohol extraction and no waste
Frenchy here's the pic I was talking to you's very dry feels waxy when I shave it down to smoke but appearance is dry. I'm at a loss on how to describe it, already smoked some lol. I pressed after bout two weeks keeping it beach sand style so it was super dry upon pressing?
You left a little humidity but had a good cure and that is how it looks.
125% yes. I use it all the time for my capsule mixture and it is amazing, as long as you have some very good product and not just plant matter. I am actually getting ready to run a batch and if you'd like I can do a tutorial in a thread and show you how I use it. Also sorry Frenchy I am sorry for spammin your thread at least I feel I spam sometimes.
It is not only my thread it is for all so don't be worry about giving advice here, I actually appreciate.
Yes Charsi to use the 190 if you want to have something from descent to very good (not often) in your 160 id better than 220.
I do use all the 160 that I cannot hand press for edibles, and it makes for storming edibles.
It is not only my thread it is for all so don't be worry about giving advice here, I actually appreciate.
Yes Charsi to use the 190 if you want to have something from descent to very good (not often) in your 160 id better than 220.
I do use all the 160 that I cannot hand press for edibles, and it makes for storming edibles.

Thanks Frenchy, that's a nice tip on the 160. BTW After drying is it ok to then combine them with trichomes that are already curingfrom a week before? Or, should they be kept /cured in separate batches ? I'm trying to fill my curing jar to have less empty space .
So here is my friend hitting the 73 I made, as you can see theres bubbles!! I recommend watching in HD. I wish I got the shot of me hitting it because I had it bubbling really really crazy! The video unfortuantly is to big to transfer :( (not my camera phone). I want to get a better one hopefully! Maybe I'll use my solder gun so the flame doesn't take over. It actually bubbles a lot better than the video shows but none the less... BUBBLES!! :) Thanks Frenchy and everyone for the help!

So I did a fresh (frozen) bud run and it turned out great ! Got the mini blue washer from bolt bags. It is very good and made well. Got a little over 50 grams. Will post pics. The one thing your videos dont show is how hard and long you work. A friend and I spent all day making hash. 5 runs washed 3 times each and 7 hours latter we finished.
I never mentioned how hard a work it is? My mistake, it is VERY HARD and time consuming with a 100% focus at all time, not for the weak as you say in English.
I will most certainly be able to give a monthly workshop in an awesome place in Berkeley by mid february. It will have only small classes with 13 students at a time, live demo and all.
Frenchy you gonna take a trip to Michigan this year once it warms up, let some of us midwest guys get a chance to met you and check out the work? I just watched the video form the emerald cup the other night. The part with you and TC checking out the entries was great, what an amazing selection. Hehe maybe talk CA into coming and bringing some of those sexy genetics :). I love the bottles they had them in with the wax seal, and the silver platter of frenchy delicacies.