trouble buying from attitude seed bank. Can't buy with USD?


I bought a prepaid MasterCard with $50 on it to purchase seeds from Attitude. On their website I converted my order to USD. When I clicked checkout it took me to a secure site to pay on, but at the top of the screen is says "Amount: 26.11 GBP" When I put in my card info it says the card was declined, and I figured the issue was the currency. Anybody know how to fix the problem?

Edit: I just realized the card says "Valid only in u.s." so never mind :P

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Get the prepaid VISA from speedway gas stations (or where they are sold in your area) around the world......Master Card prepaid don't....
With 26.11 GBP equaling around 43 USD is it possible your shipping fee and/or possible currency conversion fee is bringing you over $50? I have been hit by those silly conversion fees in the past. It blows my mind. Robbery.


Well-Known Member
Yes many prepaid cards are NOT VALID FOR INTERNATIONAL purchases. I've been down that road, now I just have my friend who's address I use order them for me with his card. Simple and easy, though most of the time you still have to call the bank and inform them to authorize international purchases. I've ran into that with 3 different banks, basically you call tell them your ordering something from overseas. They will generally put a 24hr authorization on the card to allow the purchases. This is all to prevent fraudulent purchases if your card were stolen.