BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member

turn it UP! the bud structure in NFT is impressively fat.

i've just shoved a massive psychosis into flower. realised i had run out of veg space completely lol.


Well-Known Member
What's gonna happen to it if you're
going away? put it in a huge pot and give it
a right soaking?
Thanks for making it big. I ain't worked
it out off the blower.


Well-Known Member
i've had some interesting ones in my time, they look like they are giving you the middle finger sometimes lol.

that is going to be some sticky dense gear come harvest, what is the nutrient regime on them?


Well-Known Member
Fucking hell!! what strain was that? the buds
in the top left corner you could pick off and
just wrap a skin around it lol
what were they grown in? grow bags?


Well-Known Member
bagseed from a g-13 haze( i think), 200ltr nft tanks filled with coco perlite and clay pebbles. me and a friend trimmed four of these trays without using the scissors on a single bud, you literally touched the fan and sugar leaves and they let go straight away. they were bud fingers lol

i give some to my big bro and thats what he did funnily enough, it didn't smoke too great if i remember rightly though, as it expanded in the joint it just went out.



Well-Known Member
they were so so, not as nice as it looked imo.

didn't bother keeping her cause she grews nanners around 9 weeks in. now most of the stuff i grow has nanners late in bloom but i don't let it scare me any more.


Well-Known Member
Had a pure kush go hermie with foxtail but smoke was the worst ever nice stone but the taste was nasty! And it was ugly as hell
Don have you grown Deep Blue x Livers? Cant seem to find any grows of it..


Well-Known Member
the deep blue is livers based so adding extra livers will no doubt bring out even more berryness and a make for a slightly more sativa kick i would have though.

not seen anybody grow it either hydro, be a pioneer hey?!


Well-Known Member
I forgot to answer your question about
nutrients. I use vitalink A and B hydro grow and bloom with oxyplus. Plant
magic pk 13/14 (its cheap lol) then
advanced nutrients overdrive and finish
with ripen.


Well-Known Member
Damn right! Getting some seeds in water right away. Bout time i go 2x600 :)
duh!!, what have you been waiting for? 2x 600w is more than twice as good as 1x 600w ....fact!

that seems a very simple recipe for success oscar, i have heard good things about the od as a finisher and pk13/14 is the same from everybody surely?