The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
the more the merrier, i think 2 people are three times as fast as one, three people are about 5 times better than on your own, the momentum and steady progress keeps sprits high.

stopping for a brew and a smoke can be an hour added to your day so breaks are best not taken, i don't even get stoned when i'm working.

with a spinpro you could do 5kg dry between two people in a day, if you don't mind battered "bud shaped" buds.


Well-Known Member
well im finally finished :) photo 1 (6).JPGphoto 2 (6).JPGphoto 3 (4).JPG got 274.5g (9.8 oz) wet weight so im hopeful i will easily hit my target of 2oz dry

off to go hang this shit to dry now then its a smoke and bed for me, laters lads


Well-Known Member
yeah easy 2oz there must be near a half in the main cola. it could have went further i reckon but i'm guessing you have been looking forward to a smoke lol


Well-Known Member
Yeh few tunes on and a few pre rolled joints soon make light work of it...seen that spin trimmer thing Yeh can't imagine the bud lookin too good after...what about the ardvarrk attachment for a hoover proper lazy tool.....right bizzle out see bit


Well-Known Member
yeah easy 2oz there must be near a half in the main cola. it could have went further i reckon but i'm guessing you have been looking forward to a smoke lol
yeah it cud have went another week i think but it was to tempting and im running low on smoke and cash so best option was to chop her


Well-Known Member
you'll be ok for a while now then won't you? not long left on the others is there? at least you won't have to rush them...........hopefully:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
you'll be ok for a while now then won't you? not long left on the others is there? at least you won't have to rush them...........hopefully:bigjoint:
got about 4 weeks left on the others but i think the PP may need longer as its a sativa dominant strain and can take up to 10 weeks


Well-Known Member
good luck making it last then lad, i'm sure one will be ready to chop sooner than the others.

night all


Well-Known Member
Dunno if my posts been going up but got 12.5oz from the blue cheese. Gonna give the green poison until Friday under the 600w now and then flip them. Also sorted the timer so tomorrow my little tent goes into flower. Interested to see how the blue og turns out. Not bothered much about ghs cheese. Also smell has came on since pulling buds off stems to jar it. Wouldn't say it smells your typical blue cheese though more just like cheese. Won't be running any Barneys strains again I don't think.


Well-Known Member
Any of you lot breed your own hacks? Seems seed wise everyone just does an exo cross. Must be some other good clone only strains out there that might make a nice cross.


Well-Known Member

Man I'm so high. Got 4 jars with 4 different phenos and another 5 plants with 4 phenos hanging.

May aswell write off the week.


Well-Known Member
too early for me, i'm not a wake and baker.

just the thought of a bong has my guts rumbling, anyone else shit immediately after smoking your first of the day?


Well-Known Member
I have a brew and a doob as soon as I wake every single day, then go and bake if im working.

Yeah its normally a few tokes and a couple of shlurps of tea in that I need to go drop!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Lol lol lol. :lol:

I meant slum it as in there's not really any character to Vodka or Gin, no real discerning quality's as they're Both neutral spirits (White Rum also).
For example I personally don't appreciate good whiskey, It's wasted on me.

Although there is a subtleness to Gin that is subjective to the drinkers personal taste's you have to be a real connoisseur to tell the differences between high quality Vodka and generic brands like Smirnoff (Urrgghh, the nasty stuff doesn't enter my household!).
I could say the same about gin lol there's plenty character in good gin man. vodka is much of a muchness to me. it's weird i would point blank refuse to buy stol but i'll pay a fortune for nice gin.

tanqueray 10 or chase. both can be drank neat they taste so nice. or maybe i'm just weird.