
So you dont like people close to you but you keep deer innards next to you on the front seat? Not calling you a liar.. just seems very unlikely..

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I was loading a deer up into my trailer and standing near the road and happened to have the stomach in hand. It's cool though, you don't have to believe me.
it's what you get with too stringent hunting regulations...

People should be able to shoot as many as they want providing they are eating them.

Instead of having a limit and then charging 20-50 buks /tag...fek that :(

You should try hitting a Moose - them suckers can screw up a rig quick. ;-)
Jesus, where the hell do you guys live? Sounds like proper outback! I'm too citified! :)Ps goodnight, I've got a harvest to cut tomorrow all day. Needs some zzzzzz's
Aren't they road kill? Separate to hunting? I'm lost.

yes, but if people who hunt were allowed a bigger bag limit, or if the deer tags were cheaper there would be less roadkill because people would shoot more, thinning the herd.

around here the price to hunt outweighs the benefit of the meat gained. If you are a sustenance hunter you have to be an outlaw. Which i'm not opposed to. It' just an ass backward system IMO.

Not positive about wisconsin but i'm guessing i'm not too far off.
Aren't they road kill? Separate to hunting? I'm lost.

Conservation is WAAAAAY! too effective in the U.S. Lahada. There is a great overpopulation.
More people are killed by deer in the highway in U.S. than all other deaths by animals in U.S. combined. Making the white tail deer the most dangerous animal in America.
If hunters aren't allowed to trim the population then deer numbers sky rocket and more get hit on the roads.

In New Jersey, the #1 deer-hunting weapon and caliber is ... Buick.

I was loading a deer up into my trailer and standing near the road and happened to have the stomach in hand. It's cool though, you don't have to believe me.

Veni, vidi, venison.

Conservation is WAAAAAY! too effective in the U.S. Lahada. There is a great overpopulation.
More people are killed by deer in the highway in U.S. than all other deaths by animals in U.S. combined. Making the white tail deer the most dangerous animal in America.

That's not really conservation being too effective. That is what we call a 'lack of a fence protecting the road' lol. What they did in Germany was to build some 20 foot fences and then bridges complete with grass and shrubs and trees for wildlife to walk over. Costly sure, but you can't buy back lives. People safe, deer safe. You can decrease their numbers as much as you want, THAT is not going to stop them going in the road, is it?

It in no way reflects on the conservation practices of the area. There is no such thing as TOO effective. If populations are high with no stress upon the environment, the conservationists deserve a medal. Sounds like a nice place to visit.
ok, no

germany is roughly the size of ohio I believe

the US is.....well, much bigger.

fencing off all of our roads???

not practical.

I am dead certain it is only a few areas where this is a problem. Never heard of deer in Nevada myself. The most impractical solution is doing nothing I say. In most of Southern Africa conservation is privatised, so each animal counts as an investment to somebody, so fences are a rule of thumb unless you go to really wild places, and even there are fences they're just REALLY wide apart. You don't really ever see wildlife on the highway out here ever.
Could always ask for them to move the crossing signs. :-P

I was loading a deer up into my trailer and standing near the road and happened to have the stomach in hand. It's cool though, you don't have to believe me.

I BELIEVE YOU :) and.........


Weaponized deer bladder & stomachs in LA traffic... thank you you have made my day.