U.K Average price - 1/8th, 1/2, ounce etc...

£20 a bag (1.7g) street is normal. That is for unremarkable couchlock volume crop. Trade is 180-200 on the oz. The top end is for top quality - perhaps even higher for the 'champagne'. You can expect to pay a tenner a gram for the top product - but be aware this idea may be used to inflate price generally resulting in a higher price for mediocre goods. Most commercial growers do so with volume in mind foremost. I thought this needed an update. Apologies if otherwise.

In the Midlands, it's roughly about £10 for a 'tenbag' which can range from 1.3 to 1.7. Eighth is £20, which is 1 2.2 to a 2.5. An 'on weight eighth' costs about £25 and is usually about 3.3 to a 3.5/7. A Q is about £45 - £50 and is about 7-8g. It's quite a bit cheeper over here it seems. Prices like this are for most types.
In south-west London, now (summer 2015), it's about 20 pounds for the 1.7-1.8 g bag for me. The more you buy the cheaper it gets (but it remains effing expensive). For example I know a guy who does things such as 5 bags for the price of 4.
I've heard that you can get it cheaper in the East. Judging from the looks of it, it must be true.
One guy boasted that he gets 2 grams and a hair for 20 pounds, in the east. Probably a better than average deal.
It's powerful weed.
South Wales, decent cheese and the like from my local guy, £50 for 1/2 and I get it delivered, I'm quite happy with the arrangements to be honest
South Wales, decent cheese and the like from my local guy, £50 for 1/2 and I get it delivered, I'm quite happy with the arrangements to be honest
You tried as lachlan and now this after you got caught socking it?
I'm in the South West and don't normally pay as I grow, but my neighbour deals and when he has something nice in I'll pay £20 for an 1/8, but street price is notmally £25, although I know folks who are paying up to £50 for alleged Cali shit because it comes all nicely packaged in a tin. Such bullshit, ive seen a guy printing off labels for his tins and robbing folks blind, terrible behaviour.
I'm in the South West and don't normally pay as I grow, but my neighbour deals and when he has something nice in I'll pay £20 for an 1/8, but street price is notmally £25, although I know folks who are paying up to £50 for alleged Cali shit because it comes all nicely packaged in a tin. Such bullshit, ive seen a guy printing off labels for his tins and robbing folks blind, terrible behaviour.
Wow, just realised how old this post is, im way too high, lol.

just wondering what other people in the u.k are paying for their weed?

just trying to figure something out.....

where i am it's 20 GBP for an eight, of anything (good or bad quality bud)

i haven't needed to buy in a while but when i was, i never bought more than an eighth at a time.

just wondering what you'd pay for a

  • quarter
  • half ounce
  • ounce
  • pound? etc.....
thanks :)
Its £60 for an 1/8th