Random Jibber Jabber Thread


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I guess I don't have what one would call an "approachable demeanor." It doesn't help that I don't know where to go, to get out and about, can't afford to get out and about, and the boss lady doesn't want to go out. (I kinda' look like a cop, according to the few people I know, also.) I haven't been around the family since I followed back in 91/92. I've tried -- not scoring free, but not getting taxed when I had money.

Annie, when I have equipment to grow again, and seeds, I'll be able to get back to growing -- of course, it'll be rogue, cuz of the requirements to get your card here. (Last time, it was EASY, I had a local address passport. Now, without an in-state ID, it's impossible.) And, really? Core? If I didn't know you were stoned silly, I'd be insulted. I know I quit running, and need to get back on a solid work out program, but when you're sleeping 2-3 fitful hours a night, because that's all you can stand to lie down, it's the last of my worries.

I AM still off the Benadryl, though. And don't like drinking. (It's not a great idea to take a Deliriant and depressant when you're trying to counter brain trauma. See Annie? I DO listen!)

Worst decision I've made in a long time was agreeing to move back here. At least in Minnesota I had job options, knew people, and had a grow that I coulda' started up again.
You shouldn't be insulted I did not mean it that way. I was serious about the running. It gives you an innocuous excuse to get outdoors. You will meet people, cause well you are very cute (and you don't look like you need to exercise LOL). You would be surprised how many people I have met barfing on strangers lawns. As for the 2-3 hours of fitful sleep the running will help with that too. I know you need more but this will be a start.

Yes and seeds and bathroom :) 'nuff said.

You do know that cannabis is the best medicine for brain trauma and closed head injuries don't you?
LOL that would be Decadron, trust me on that one..... although I must say cannabis is running a very close second ha :) Happy New Year babe :)