Hey guys/girls

Hello everyone,
BloodshotBaker here...been growing indoors for years, was a well respected member of an older community of growers which has since shut its doors...after that I took a hiatus from cultivating...now I'm back!
After selling off all my equipment (3000 watts hps, co2 injection, etc etc) and deciding to get back to my breeding projects again, I think I'm back for the long haul. Looking to expand my knowledge a bit and maybe provide some more insight (I was around when vert grow ideas started to get toyed with) and so I've settled on RIU to share and learn. RIU has been around for quite a while and I think its the perfect place to start over again. Professional baker/chef by day...horticulturalist by night...let the growing commence!

Thanks all for the warm welcome...will have a journal of autos I'm reversing for some new breeding stock, so keep an eye out.

I'm always happy to share most of my recipes...some are close guarded recipes I've created over time and others are from past restaurant managing positions that I've held, but I dare say after baking over 15000 loaves of various bread in my lifetime so far for commercial kitchens and restaurants and tons of pastries and what not that I could help you figure out what you've gotta do.