The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i`m sure our man over there md could sort them out cheaper theres not much he can`t find.... got to piss off for a minute but i`ll be back...


Well-Known Member
Might try converting something already pre-fabed like a large kitchen thermometer, glass syringe from vet supply or turkey baster. I need to stop thinking


I know im only new here and I aint gonna keep throwing beginners questions at ye but im just curious as to whats the best way I could have plants vegging and flowering at same time,trying to research stuff for my next grow and i plan to have a grow going all the time,should I get another tent for vegging,can most strains take hardship during veg because I have a small empty room I could use and thinking of using cfls for veg in there and then putting them under 600w hps in my tent for flowering.

Maybe im asking in the wrong thread but just wondering do any of you experienced growers have any info as i think temps may be a problem?


Well-Known Member
Hey Jay. Dont have any fear of asking questions. It's the only way to get answers. If you only research and dont ask people, you will just end up second guessing yourself and wrecking your head. If you have the space for seperate veg then go for it. Space tends to be a problem for a lot of people so you are lucky. You can veg with cfl and finish with hps no prob. You can also veg with mh and finish with hps which was how it was done before cfl's became popular. You can also just stick to hps for the entire grow but your yield will be lower.


Hey Jay. Dont have any fear of asking questions. It's the only way to get answers. If you only research and dont ask people, you will just end up second guessing yourself and wrecking your head. If you have the space for seperate veg then go for it. Space tends to be a problem for a lot of people so you are lucky. You can veg with cfl and finish with hps no prob. You can also veg with mh and finish with hps which was how it was done before cfl's became popular. You can also just stick to hps for the entire grow but your yield will be lower.
Appreciate the quick reply ghostdog,yeah am on my first grow and have used hps all the way through so looking to change that up,i guess my main concern is temps in this small room,would it matter as much during veg if conditions weren't spot on?space isn't a problem thank god so want to take advantage of it,hope my yield wont be really bad cos of the hps:( ill try post pics of my girls tomorrow to get some opinions


Well-Known Member
Hello Jay. Stop stressing. It will be just fine with hps. A harvest is a harvest. Vegging plants just prefer the mh spectrum for optimum growth. What temps are you running at the momment?


Hello Jay. Stop stressing. It will be just fine with hps. A harvest is a harvest. Vegging plants just prefer the mh spectrum for optimum growth. What temps are you running at the momment?
Very true and I will be happy with whatever the outcome as it will be my own and wont cost a whole lot,temps are 21 lights on and go to 15/16 lights off at the mo,you doing a grow yourself at the mo dude?


Well-Known Member
Yep. Just a lonely Auto Blueberry in a closet grow. Nothing too dramatic. I have a space problem at the moment. Plans are to build a second cabinate in the spring if the funds allow.


well good luck with the blueberry dude,as its my first grow ill be happy to see it out until the end but want it to be right,want it to be special like losing your virginity but that wasn't special in my case or should I say she wasn't lol you get what I mean..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
theres more too it than just room and temps, like if you going with a tent you won`t or shouldn`t have light leaks, but if you say veg in the same place you flower then a leak could ruin the flowering crop, temps with cfls are very low in comparison to mh, these can be hotter than hps depending on your bulb, airflow and other things are factors here... as the lads said don`t be afraid to ask, even if it has been asked before theres still different ways and methods of solveing these things depending on budget and problem etc so ask away..

forgot to mention that we veg under whatever light at a longer period of time (12/12 for flower.. 16/8 for veg) thats lights on, it helps to grow the plant to whatever size your room can accomodate in order to get the maximum yeil from them, and allows the likes of scrog sog to fill there nets before flipping to flower..


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha...nicely put. Yep....thats my aim too. Just want to get her over the finish, sit back and relax, learn from what I did wrong and start again. And I am a just starting to learn like you too.


theres more too it than just room and temps, like if you going with a tent you won`t or shouldn`t have light leaks, but if you say veg in the same place you flower then a leak could ruin the flowering crop, temps with cfls are very low in comparison to mh, these can be hotter than hps depending on your bulb, airflow and other things are factors here... as the lads said don`t be afraid to ask, even if it has been asked before theres still different ways and methods of solveing these things depending on budget and problem etc so ask away..

forgot to mention that we veg under whatever light at a longer period of time (12/12 for flower.. 16/8 for veg) thats lights on, it helps to grow the plant to whatever size your room can accomodate in order to get the maximum yeil from them, and allows the likes of scrog sog to fill there nets before flipping to flower..
Cheers dude,

have a cooltube with my hps so haven't had the high temp problems ive read about yet,basically my tent is in an empty room and off it is a small closet room with no windows or light leaks,could I put some girls in there with some high wattage cfls bulbs just for veg,its quite cold in there so im a bit worried about stressing them out,are conditions as important during veg? would be a lot handier/cheaper if I could put them in there and just use my tent for flowering all the time

Really appreciate the help/welcome ive got on here,hope to be able to return the help down the line when I have a few grows under my belt

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
we all came here to learn, probably like the rest of us you like a smoke but can`t afford or don`t want to pay for street weed (i got kids so can`t afford to feed my habit that way i need to grow it) ... so fire away anything you need to know if we can help we will, as for giveing it back...your day will come..;)

if you really want to know if its going to be suitable and it sounds perfect, then plug in your lights and leave your thermostat in there for a dry run, if its damp you will have slight condensation isues but these can be fixed, if its just cold the lights will warm it up, and there resillent plants as long as its not minus anything they`ll be fine, i`ve an outdoor concrete box so its probably colder in there than outside and apart from a slow down in growth from the cold there thriveing, also my starin is a pain in the arse 11 plus weeker...

best thing is to fire up the lights in the empty room as if it leaks light you`ll soon work out a solution and be able to get plants in there sharpish then..


You hit the nail on the head there ae86,i love a smoke and prefer my days with it rather than without,have kids myself now and those crappy 50 bags had to stop,also im getting to old to be dealing with scumbags and not knowing what im getting for my money!i could rant on but I wont:)

gonna order my seeds/cfls tomorrow and give it a shot in the closet room,I wont know until I try I guess

you a long time smoker/grower?if im being too nosy just tell e to get to fuc :)

Gonna post pics tomorrow evening of my girls,looking forward to opinions etc

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah long long tiime smoker, been growing for little while always in soil as i`can`t afford to hydro yet, feck i could barely afford the pots and all as i was out of work until few months ago, same boat as you jay, no money, can`t be dealing with young lads and as for the shit weed...hahaaha... i learned the hard way and jumped in knowing f all about growing asked as many stuid questions as is possible so we all started somewhere dde, and once you get a grow or two under your belt you`ll see the myth to growing is just that a myth..

get up and going as soon as you can, you`ll need a few days to germ, they`ll be fine in even a window for a week or so after that so you have time to perfect your setup, and a few cfls are great to veg under rather than a hps, sometimes a hps can be too strong not only in heat but in strength for some strains and they`ll die, with the cfl`s you always get a great plant... if you can spring for a small circulateing fan aswell it`ll be a great little room for them, argos have 6/8 inch fans for only a few euro... much better than pc fans in my opinion...