Everyone who has ever done it though, would probably say they wouldnt do it again, Ive done it a few times and it can be enjoyable if theres a few of you doing it and having a good laugh and listening to trippy music.
There will always be one trip though that stops everyone from doing it, and its just basically 12 hours of unpleasantness waiting to finish, acid goes on too long and can be really painfull to your mind if you have things that are playing on it, as soon as you take it be prepared to leave all reality behind and hope that you get it back at some point in the not too distant future
you said it best man,
i have had soo many nights, after i have tripped all day, and the music show is over, and im lying in my tent spun out of my mind; just waiting for the acid to get out of my system.
the longing effects of acid is why i quit taking acid. acid does last waaay to long. its fun for awhile, but when you are ready for bed and your still spun out of this world.....it sucks
i have this really long story about one of my acid trips that i would like to tell, but would take me an hour to type it all. sooo lets just say.... me and buddy bought 2 liquid drops of acid....thought it was fake...found the seller, called him out on the fake acid....then he said that it was real, and to hold out our hands; and he put a puddle of acid in each of our hands....and just to proove the dude wrong, me and my buddy both gulped/slurped up the lsd from our hands.
we walked around for another hour convincing ourselves that the 10-15 drops of acid we just drank were fake.
so while we were mentally set on the fact that the acid was fake....the 10-15 hits inside our system was building up for one big, i mean really big acid trip. and a big acid trip, means big peaks. and 10-15 hits means...alot of peaks.
so we finally accepted that the acid was 100% real, and 100% clean. by the time we accepted that we were tripping, we had already reached out first peak! so it was like being shot out of a cannon tripping. we didnt ease into the trip at all. it was like one second were not tripping, and the next we are spun waaay out of this world.
anyways after the peak, we came down for like five minutes...which seemed like maybe an hour. then we ended up peaking again......and again.....and again...and again....and again....and again. everytime we peaked, we peaked harder than the last time we peaked.
anyways loooooooong story short we peaked allll night long, i guess we peaked for every drop of acid we had in out bodies. it was a very crazy night, it was alot of fun, and im not sure how i stayed sane during the almost 2 straight days of tripping. the acid peaks came in waves.....it felt like every time the wind blew hard....that we tripped even harder.
i never realized how out of this world you could get on acid untill this trip!!! i was honestly on another planet.