Tell me everything about LSD.


Well-Known Member
Basically what I want to know are prices based on location. What is it like? Got any trippy stories? What have you seen?

My friend doesn't have a computer and has asked me to post on a forum or something to find out. So why not this fine forum? I havent tried lsd before. I havent tried anything besides weed. So its good to stock up on some knowledge before I (try to) find a person who can sell me some.
if you are just buying some hits for a few trips, it is normally $5- $10 dollars a hit.
the best place to find good clean Acid, would be at a music festival.( a place where hippies go).
its hard to describe an lsd trip. i would only eat acid if you have a strong mind. if you have any depression problems or anything that would effect your perspective i would not eat acid; untill you are very clear headed.
i think you need to be a rather mature person to be able to handle acid. acid is no joke... if you eat real LSD or even LSA chances are that you will trip hard.
a hit of acid can always very in strength. awhile back i ate 3 hits that didnt make me trip much at all. another time i ate 3 hits that made me trip sooo hard. and another time i ate only 1 hit, and i tripped harder than i did on the last 3.
acid comes in a few forms. most often you will find acid on small squares of paper, called blotter paper. sometimes it is plain white paper, and sometimes it is on colorful designed paper.
the other common form of acid comes in Gel Tabs. gel tabs are the same size as the paper squares, but it is made out of a gelly/hard material. the gel tab is prickt with a needle, and lsd is injected. (its more of a drop though).

it is kinda hard to explain an acid trip. not that you cant remember, its just hard to put into words what you see.
alot of times, the visuals are made up of geometric patterns and shapes.
you really only see patterns and stuff when you close your eyes. when your eyes are open you could see like a tree dancing or .......i give up, i cant explain what i have seen.
soooooo good luck with the acid, hope my info helps/ peace
yeah ive never tried it and i dont think i will.

its all good as long as you dont do it often it will fry your brain if you do it alot
I agree with Ohiogrown.
I have tripped a many of times.
I personally do not like it anymore. I guess I just do not want to get that f'd up and more. Age will slow you down.
I agree the weak minded person should not try Lysergic acid diethylmide.
Lsd is not something to mess around with either. It should deffinately be respected.
I have sold it when I was younger. You can trip off of just touching or holding the hits if you have alot.
That is some scary shit. Not intentionally tripping. Talk about being paranoid.
Supposedly the U.S. government considers you legally insane after you have tripped (really tripped) more than seven times.
I could not tell you how many times I have tripped. If I had to quess I would say upwards of 50 individual times.
I do say though if you have tripped lsd and you liked it. you should go for the shooms. Really good shrooms are much more intense than lsd.
yea shrooms can be more intense, but shrooms are waaay more mental.
and acid is more of an overall excperience.

i dont like shrooms any more. i think if someone wants to trip, they should start with some mushrooms for the first time; and see how they handle that. if you can handel mushrooms, then you should try acid. Cid is where its at........although i recently decided that im not eating acid again.
im more of an XTC Man

speaking of how many times we have tripped: i tripped 50-60 times in the last 3 years.
a person i know has eaten cid around 240 times. hes only 20 yrs old.

we eat alot of drugs because, were addicted to going to music festivals at this place Nelson Ledges Quarry Park . its called nelson ledges quarry park. during the summer they host a ton of music festivals. there biggest festival is called Grateful all Grateful Dead festival. check out the link if you like live music and camping.
I ate 3 geltabs yesterday. It was around my 40th lsd trip and it was beautiful as usual. I was hallucinating all kinds of things, visual and auditory, and everything had tracers. Colors were very bright and darkness was very dark; I had noticed a very strong contrast in my vision during this trip. I played with my brain for about 90 minutes jamming on the guitar with a modified delay effect; blew my own mind a couple of times. I realized somethings about my relationship with my roommates, and I got over some memories about me and some friends that had been bothering me recently. I left this trip with a smile.
so i knew "this freind"......

berkley 1986, peoples' park, dude with backpark. hooked up thru a friend. 100 hits blotter paper $35. CLEAN!! minimal speed. varies in mics. i don't remember the #'s. they were very HIGH. 4 way window. the real shit. warped checker board. stars. moons. white. clear gel. oh, the colors. "he" was a driver, loved going nowhere for fun. 2 hits, freeway, stereo on LOUD, night time, lights, blurs, sparkles, blends, smiley, colors,....... time of "his" life. mind expanding. will change your whole perspective on life. people who know know. can't explain it. "are you experienced?" paranoid much? don't do it. happy and like life? dive in. :hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:
Everyone who has ever done it though, would probably say they wouldnt do it again, Ive done it a few times and it can be enjoyable if theres a few of you doing it and having a good laugh and listening to trippy music.

There will always be one trip though that stops everyone from doing it, and its just basically 12 hours of unpleasantness waiting to finish, acid goes on too long and can be really painfull to your mind if you have things that are playing on it, as soon as you take it be prepared to leave all reality behind and hope that you get it back at some point in the not too distant future
oh yeah, sorry i forgot that part. there was this one time when "my friend" watched "romeo and juliet" on lsd. it was an older version. 1960's maybe. some weird sword fights to the death while the 2 fighters poked fun at each other. one minute it's kinda funny, the next the dudes dead. freaked "my friend" out. you might want to make sure you have a "baby sitter" somehere nearby. someone who can try to bring you back to some sort of reality. it's a looooooooooong ride down when you fall off the wave. i think it has a lot to do with the people you are with. you can't "mess" with someone who's on lsd. it's just not cool to do. give them a pinwheel instead.
To elaborate more on what nongreenthumb said a bad trip on acid or mushrooms or any hallucinogen can really discourage you from doing them again. I've seen people end up convinced they need to go to the hospital when they're really fine and then try and convice the hospital staff that they're the Son of God and try and convince the hospital staff of the same thing. I know a guy who got in a huge fight with his wife, didn't tell my friends and I and came and tripped with us, three hours into the trip he was just sitting there, speaking only in metaphors and trying to get us to drive him to a bridge so we could watch him jump off.

I personally took a ten strip and went to schlitterbahn (a waterpark in texas) and I was pretty much crazy. The hallucinations were so strong and on so many layers that I couldn't distinguish reality from the visuals, when I closed my eyes I saw thousands of people at a waterpark, when I opened them I saw thousands of people at a waterpark only with a lot of differences between the two like rides being in different places, seeing people that I knew couldn't be there. So I tired to figure out which was the real reality for a few hours, trying to hide clues in the scenery in my mind so that I could find out what's real. Then I started to get scared that I might not actually be able to pick reality out of the basket and might be stuck in some scenario my mind created so my mind got more turgid and unclear and the sheer number of people at the waterpark was terrifying to me, and the parents walking by with their kids crying stuck out in my head, I experienced ego-death and thought that I might be dead as well and that's why the kids were crying, and it scared the shit out of me, by this time I was just laid out on a lawn chair still trying to find reality and stuck in-between a bunch of plausible ones with lots of auditory hallucinations of different people, including my parents talking to me, people saying 'You took too much' and all this replaying in a loop in my head pretty much. I managed to find my cd player near my lawnchair although I don't know how it got there, I had Dark side of the Moon in the cd player and I just sat there and listened to it, I already knew every note but I'd never experienced it like this, I can hardly explain how it felt, when the crescendos would hit I'd feel GIANT waves of euphoria and get some amazing 3d closed eye visuals, and then pieces of the lyrics started sticking out to me, as though they were there for me to derive some benefit from, the lyrics in the first song, well not really lyrics, the guy talking says:

"I've been mad for fucking years, absolutely years, been over the edge for yonks, been working me buns off for bands..."

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the
most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

And then the next song ends with these lyrics:

For long you live and high you fly
But only if you ride the tide
And balanced on the biggest wave
You race towards an early grave.

When I heard them my whole body got that shiver, and then there's one part on the album where I swear someone whispers "If you can hear this you're dying" but then the album gets into more uplifting songs I suppose with Brain Damage and Eclipse, by the time the album was over I had a giant shit-eating grin on my face and I was back to just tripping balls without all the negative thoughts that scared the shit out of me, so I went on some rides and had a ton of fun. The whole reason I had a bad trip at all was because I was stupid and didn't follow one of mine and many other peoples' rules for LSD, I took it when I had a lot of things to worry about and so I focused on those rather than on having fun. All in all the trip lated about 30 hours from the ten hits, and it was one of the most enlightening and fun and scary experiences in my life.
If anyone has ever seen Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, those are the kinds of hallucinations you have from a 10 strip. You can't distinguish reality from everything else you see. My acid buddies and I call 10 strips "rocketships" because you get blasted sky high extremely fast.
thanks entropic, you summed it all up. "ego death". i never could explain that feeling. you brought back a lot of memories. it was new years eve 1989, grateful dead show at the oakland coliseum, hanging in the parking lot. i hadn't done it in awhile because of a few bad experiences. this last time was nothing really bad, i just didn't enjoy any of it. but the good times, wow. i don't regret it.
we eat alot of drugs because, were addicted to going to music festivals at this place Nelson Ledges Quarry Park . its called nelson ledges quarry park. during the summer they host a ton of music festivals. there biggest festival is called Grateful all Grateful Dead festival. check out the link if you like live music and camping.

Dude I checked out that website that place looks awesome, Tommy Chong, Mickey Hart! Phil Keagy! Dude I MUST go there, thank you for telling me about that place...
Dude I checked out that website that place looks awesome, Tommy Chong, Mickey Hart! Phil Keagy! Dude I MUST go there, thank you for telling me about that place...

yeaaa buddy you better believe it !!
your welcome, and you should come to the LEDGES!
nelson ledges quarry park is like a little slice of heaven in mid ohio, i would compare this place to a small woodstock. if you go to a festival will not regret it. i looooooove the quarry.
people that know of this place, come from all over the usa to come here.
if you have nothing to do on the 4th of july this summer....come here to Grateful Fest.
wow entropic, now that's wiggin' your nuts off! great description.

like everyone says, it's ALL about the environment. make sure you have NO responsibilities other than to exist for 8 hours and you'll be fine. :)

some people will just sit and be catatonic the whole time while others will completely extrovert themselves; most people experience waves of the two extremes and you can pretty easily navigate to whichever you prefer by redirecting your thoughts.

Good music and an excellent stereo while on acid are the equivalent of having the most delicious munchy foods imaginable while stoned. speaking of which, you'll prob have to make yourself eat.. i always found that my energy and the positive vibes went way up after some good food.

the search for food one time led me and a friend into a wal-mart at like 1AM. no one was in there but us and we were trippin hard. we had been laughing so hard our stomachs were sore, our faces were beat red! we got a 1lb bag of gummi savers, a bag of candy corn, a bag of potato chips, a bag of that cheap gum in the wrappers. all kinds of stuff. we were STUFFING gummi savers into our mouths when my friend and i looked at each other and we both stopped chewing. he said, "dude, this shit has sand in it!" lol! we convinced ourselves that sand was in every piece. when we got back to the house we went up to the road to smoke some herb and i took that bag of candy so i could throw it away. the next afternoon there were little melted gummy saver blobs all over the street!

needless to say, it was a while before i ate another gummy saver. lol


Everyone who has ever done it though, would probably say they wouldnt do it again, Ive done it a few times and it can be enjoyable if theres a few of you doing it and having a good laugh and listening to trippy music.

There will always be one trip though that stops everyone from doing it, and its just basically 12 hours of unpleasantness waiting to finish, acid goes on too long and can be really painfull to your mind if you have things that are playing on it, as soon as you take it be prepared to leave all reality behind and hope that you get it back at some point in the not too distant future
you said it best man,
i have had soo many nights, after i have tripped all day, and the music show is over, and im lying in my tent spun out of my mind; just waiting for the acid to get out of my system.
the longing effects of acid is why i quit taking acid. acid does last waaay to long. its fun for awhile, but when you are ready for bed and your still spun out of this sucks

i have this really long story about one of my acid trips that i would like to tell, but would take me an hour to type it all. sooo lets just say.... me and buddy bought 2 liquid drops of acid....thought it was fake...found the seller, called him out on the fake acid....then he said that it was real, and to hold out our hands; and he put a puddle of acid in each of our hands....and just to proove the dude wrong, me and my buddy both gulped/slurped up the lsd from our hands.
we walked around for another hour convincing ourselves that the 10-15 drops of acid we just drank were fake.
so while we were mentally set on the fact that the acid was fake....the 10-15 hits inside our system was building up for one big, i mean really big acid trip. and a big acid trip, means big peaks. and 10-15 hits means...alot of peaks.
so we finally accepted that the acid was 100% real, and 100% clean. by the time we accepted that we were tripping, we had already reached out first peak! so it was like being shot out of a cannon tripping. we didnt ease into the trip at all. it was like one second were not tripping, and the next we are spun waaay out of this world.
anyways after the peak, we came down for like five minutes...which seemed like maybe an hour. then we ended up peaking again......and again.....and again...and again....and again....and again. everytime we peaked, we peaked harder than the last time we peaked.
anyways loooooooong story short we peaked allll night long, i guess we peaked for every drop of acid we had in out bodies. it was a very crazy night, it was alot of fun, and im not sure how i stayed sane during the almost 2 straight days of tripping. the acid peaks came in felt like every time the wind blew hard....that we tripped even harder.
i never realized how out of this world you could get on acid untill this trip!!! i was honestly on another planet.
Read the Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe, it's about Ken Kesey (who wrote Somtimes a Great Notion) and his troupe of crazy people on acid the "Merry Pranksters" it's a great book and Tom Wolfe really captures the experience better in text than anyone else I've ever read.

I also read a book I can't remember the name of, about the 'families' the controlled acid production in the US in the late 70s and 80s, after the days of people like Owsley Stanley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (a main figure in TEKAT). LSD is a crystal in it's pure form, and apparently they used to store it in small glass vials, and it was mainly distributed through the concert circuits, where people the 'family' had selected sold their product, rules were at least 100micrograms per hit, and no more than $5 a hit ever. So say you wanted to join the family, you became buddy-buddy with the first person, they make sure you're cool, then you get to meet the rest of the family, you didn't get to do any business for a few months while they got to know you. The test at the end of those few months you'd take a glass vial with crystal lsd in it, take the cap off and plug it with your finger, turn the vial over and just let some crystal sit on your finger, turn it back over and put the cap on and now you've probably ingested over a sheet of acid. The family would then guide you through the trip while on lower doses, this whole test or rite of passage was called "Fingerprinting." Once you came down you could become a businessman as long as you adhered to their rules, no more than $5 a hit, and always at least 100 micrograms per hit (they took the crystal with them to the shows and then made the sheets there by dissolving the crystal in grain alcohol and coating the sheets and letting the excess run off and then letting them dry).

Another thing that may be true or may be a myth but is stated as fact in this book is spraying LSD into the mouth of DEA agents at concerts with a squirt gun :)