Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Segoe UI Bold, Segoe UI Semibold, Segoe UI, Helvetica Neue Medium, Arial, sans-serif]I don't think my thrift shop knows what they are selling...

Please tell me you bought it.

I actually have a vase that looks exactly the same without the second bubble.


Well-Known Member
Well, she changed exercises, but yea. I was in a mood when i took it down, but all is better now.
That and i cant have it down for too long as it disappoints a lot of ppl and i have it for myself cause my fiancee looks a lot like her in human form. :wink:
It's a good thing that baby powder worked. A woman like that does seem the type to abide a man with a stinky hand for long.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Come on harvest!!! I need this medicine for my mom!

Back to the grind to further my knowledge of RSO.
sending good vibes your way brother :hug::hug:

so I sliced the hell outta my thumb on a steel receptacle cover last night as I was adding some new outlets....OWWWWIE!

Did it in the first 5 minutes of getting to it. wrapped that sucker up with a little piece of napkin and black tape and right back at it.

note to all: china does not debur the edges of their receptacle covers after stamping them out.....


Well-Known Member
Well my wife just found out her cousin is pregnant so I have to go back to the mall to get a present to bring with us. Fucking stupid mall people, we've learned since kindergarten that you walk to the right. Why is it when you go to the mall people forget this? Also, it's really hard to find baby clothest that are made in the USA. China and Indonesia. Always.


Well-Known Member
Ok i know im not new here but ive never known, is there a way to view ppls pics they have posted without having to scrol through hella threads??. Im sure this has been gone over but i missed it so...


Well-Known Member
Ever read something, and triple check to make sure you don't have a translator fucking up the show?

I'll let the guys with less tact comment on the fact that this is on Womencitizen:

The name change for Winamp: Radionomy
Winamp is said to be closed accordıng to the news, the radio station was sold to the Radionomy.

Recently, in the direction of the turn off Winamp's is in the news agenda.

Microsoft wants to sell the service rumors that are in the direction of the Winamp development.

Today accordıng to the news are Winamp and Shoutcast sold to the an online radiotion Radionomy.

Radionomy, Belgium which operates in, to their users requesting radio broadcasts, nearly five thousand to the station, which has a seven-year social radio platform.


Well-Known Member
Sorry Minnesmoker. Over my head.

But I would like to add that my fingers smell of fresh basil. Thank you Ushio.

or maybe that's the point. It's incomprehensible isn't it? Wait, it was originally written in Chinese! I recognize it now.


Well-Known Member
The first time I read it, I sort of buzzed over it because it dealt with things that seemed technical and beyond my ken. But, upon re-reading it, it soon became obvious that there was a real messed up syntax and grammatical construction. Not even the sort of thing that you could piece together if you were trying to. You could plug any set of nouns into those noun-holes and this would be gibberish. You come away with that very annoying "WTF is this person trying to say?" feel. Oh yeah, that would be a product of the great leaps forward made by the Chinese Educational Institution #3245 (reformed-Maoist). Just my guess. Not sure if that's where you were going.