Yes!.....Cheerios to go non-GMO......


Well-Known Member
yeah, the cohen brothers..especially burn after reading.. impressive list of actors..i think i've seen it 50x..


Well-Known Member
It is not hard it is just stupid.

A lot of very fine foods are already full of these products, like corn and soya. Yet, you cannot lay a single claim of harm.

So, just stupid organix business and their tiny rice bowl is the only opposition. And they act like this is a giant threat.

And to label GMO is anti-competition FEAR. It is designed to drag folks to faltering Organix World, of low yield. It is so backward, and only tiny few buy into it. It is a ploy to prop up Big Organix.

But, you can panic anyone. That is not lawful. It is against free trade. So, NO LABEL.


Well-Known Member
I take no issue with the scotus case, it is clear he was stealing with Intent to gain advantage from the novel genetics, not so in the canadiN case.
Thank you for making my point. I'm talking about the Canadian case, which is where I got that information.


Well-Known Member
No harm can be shown. It is not a different ingredient, so in fact, to label it is a trade infringement, designed only for fear.

But, no harm can be shown, so a label is not lawful.

You will pay more? You will not. No one will. That is the point.

Not within Fair Trade.


Well-Known Member
It is not hard it is just stupid.

A lot of very fine foods are already full of these products, like corn and soya. Yet, you cannot lay a single claim of harm.

So, just stupid organix business and their tiny rice bowl is the only opposition. And they act like this is a giant threat.

And to label GMO is anti-competition FEAR. It is designed to drag folks to faltering Organix World, of low yield. It is so backward, and only tiny few buy into it. It is a ploy to prop up Big Organix.

But, you can panic anyone. That is not lawful. It is against free trade. So, NO LABEL.
How much Monsanto stock do you own?.....the only FEAR I have is what they are afraid to tell me....just label it.....


Well-Known Member
I speak very loudly with my wallet. I only buy non-GMO or Organic products. I'm quick to send feedback to store managers about my buying decisions, and I'm seeing more & more "Non-GMO" products show-up on the shelves every day. Cheerios are just another example. Like it or not, here we come...No GMO!


Well-Known Member
How much Monsanto stock do you own?.....the only FEAR I have is what they are afraid to tell me....just label it.....
I shed blood in a cop riot, in front of Monsanto, while you were in the Nam.

I don't own their stock, but they pay dividends? That is a very good idea. Thank you. :)


Well-Known Member
A reference please then? we must be talking about two different casees - this one involved canola.
Absolutely, Monsanto canola. We're talking about the very same case, Monsanto Canada Inc. v. Schmeiser.

From the Wikipedia article: "The case drew worldwide attention and is widely misunderstood to concern what happens when farmers' fields are accidentally contaminated with patented seed. However by the time the case went to trial, all claims had been dropped that related to patented seed in the field that was contaminated in 1997; the court only considered the GM canola in Schmeiser's 1998 fields, which Schmeiser had intentionally concentrated and planted from his 1997 harvest."

And another selection: "The case is widely cited or referenced by the anti-GM community in the context of a fear of a company claiming ownership of a farmer’s crop based on the inadvertent presence of GM pollen grain or seed.[SUP][13][/SUP][SUP][14][/SUP] "The court record shows, however, that it was not just a few seeds from a passing truck, but that Mr Schmeiser was growing a crop of 95–98% pure Roundup Ready plants, a commercial level of purity far higher than one would expect from inadvertent or accidental presence. The judge could not account for how a few wayward seeds or pollen grains could come to dominate hundreds of acres without Mr Schmeiser’s active participation, saying ‘. . .none of the suggested sources could reasonably explain the concentration or extent of Roundup Ready canola of a commercial quality evident from the results of tests on Schmeiser’s crop’" - in other words, even if the original presence of Monsanto seed on his land in 1997 was inadvertent, the crop in 1998 was entirely purposeful.


Well-Known Member
Cheerios! Now non-gmo!

warning: may contain GMO

That's from the op article. So if I were you, and don't want GMO foods, do not buy any form of Cheerios.

Also from article: only regular Cheerios affected(though may contain GMO). All other Cheerios types will proceed as normal.


Well-Known Member
Cheerios! Now non-gmo!

warning: may contain GMO

That's from the op article. So if I were you, and don't want GMO foods, do not buy any form of Cheerios.

Also from article: only regular Cheerios affected(though may contain GMO). All other Cheerios types will proceed as normal.
I'll read it when I see it on the label, then I'd decide to buy or not. Either way, this is a huge step in the right direction for a major company......more to follow..


Well-Known Member
When they ask me at the grocery store check out "Were you able to find everything, today?".....I usually reply "No, I have money in my wallet that I intended to spend here today, but couldn't find organic or non-gmo products"....


Well-Known Member
I just dont understand why it has to be GMO? Cheap Bastards!

You like round up being dumped on your crops, your telling me thats good for you?

Some modification is good but what they are doing is wrong plus there trying to monopolize which is against the law!


Well-Known Member
I only ask to be informed so I can make my own decision, and they a terrified of that.........


Well-Known Member
I just dont understand why it has to be GMO? Cheap Bastards!

You like round up being dumped on your crops, your telling me thats good for you?

Some modification is good but what they are doing is wrong plus there trying to monopolize which is against the law!
If you knew the facts you would have much more quality opinions.