3 weeks in flower, humidity was at 91% one night!


Well-Known Member
so it rained and made my shed's humidity go up one night to 91%. I had been flowering 3 weeks when it happened. But the next day the humidity went down to upper 20's and low 30's. Is my crop fucked or am I good as long as I keep humidity down from now? i do have fans circulating air too. I plan on getting a 4 gallon bucket (maybe 2) of damprid to help with moist days. It's called Damprid rv and boat moisture absorber. I'm not gonna get a dehumidifier because they make heat and draw a lot of power. AM I FUCKED?
You're fine

Up to 3-4 days (Constant) is ok to have high humidity.
If you have it for longer you may cause mold quicker than you think.
Don't let it happen too often.

It snowed in my area but that just made my humidity go down lol.
as of now, I don't see any obvious visible signs of mold. Unless I don't know what to look for. But that day the humidity was up, I did smell something that was a little off. kind of like mildew I guess? is that a troubling sign?
A couple of days isn't going to hurt a thing bud. Molds need a constant high humidity to get a solid foothold. It's when you have humidity at a constant 70% or more that shit gets real funky. Ask me how I know. :D