BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D


Well-Known Member
That's from last week at 6.5 weeks.
I'm sorry for putting em your thread
Don mate. I prefer livers in soil. It's
just prettier. When i do nft i feel like
i should be wearing a lab coat. Hydro
lacks soul but it is efficient.
Are there any dog beans in stock?



Well-Known Member
That looks the nuts oscar mate never got to smoke the livers :( smoked a few crosses now n they're all tasty
None of these buggers have sent you a cut?
I thought you had it.
I just had a look at the UK growers thread.
Why do you bother with that Don? it's all
dick measuring and poorly spelt hissy fits.
I only read a bit and i just hope no one from
outside the UK reads it


Well-Known Member
it reminds us of how sane we are, keep yer enemies close and all that malarkey, lol...theres a few good eggs, even with the bad spelling :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i've walked away from it a few times, some of them are reet knackers and some are solid people, as D says spelling aside haha.

reminds me actually i haven't had the 600 club pop up in my subbed threads for ages. i've probably clicked the unsub button turning the keyboard on. happens from time to time lol

I lost my livers cut ages back but i may have two at the moment or 2 psycho, jury's still out.

I've managed to neglect a full tray of cuts to the point they are all mouldy soggy mush. i'm a fucking tool sometimes. not that i've got any room for them. kinda feels good though :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
right unless there's a hint of pink in the pic they're psycho killers.


Sweet & Sour
Sour D ( not being done justice :( )

QQ x DOG. nice structure and a pink striped stem
These last three are Dog x 2 Toke.

Group shot. canopy mangement what!?



Well-Known Member
None of these buggers have sent you a cut?
I thought you had it.
I just had a look at the UK growers thread.
Why do you bother with that Don? it's all
dick measuring and poorly spelt hissy fits.
I only read a bit and i just hope no one from
outside the UK reads it
Lol I'm sure il get to have a blast at growin it. 1 day mate :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
How long u veg for or how tall before 12/12?
actually probably about the same length of time for the smaller LST'd ones and the lanky ones. about 4 weeks. though tbh i don't usually count just go by how tall they are.
All'esh looking very shexy shquire!!!
cheers big yin ;)
That all looks great Don. I predict smooth
sailing from here on in. I can't see any gnat
damage at all. You got them before they
did any harm.
it's half four on a Friday so i also predict
that you are either hammered or about
to get hammered lol
I'm still just keeping them at bay man. still see the odd couple here n there, but they are ravaging the houseplants still.

and not had a tipple today, i'm still off. got my cuz and his wife coming to stay a couple of days. probably have a bottle of something later.

have a good un peeps!


Well-Known Member
Are you treating the houseplants? would
the Mrs allow you to bin the houseplants?
Mine wouldn't lol

i don't doubt there is decent guys in that
thread but i imagine they're swimming
against the tide. It seemed like a few wanna
be gangsters saying mines bigger than yours.
As KRS One once said "Real bad boys move
in silence".
Like you and D said there some good blokes
but you just tend to hear the loud ones.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Are you treating the houseplants? would
the Mrs allow you to bin the houseplants?
Mine wouldn't lol

i don't doubt there is decent guys in that
thread but i imagine they're swimming
against the tide. It seemed like a few wanna
be gangsters saying mines bigger than yours.
As KRS One once said "Real bad boys move
in silence".
Like you and D said there some good blokes
but you just tend to hear the loud ones.
yeah i've been trying to treat them but the damn things love the succulents and i'm loathed to part with them as they grow so friggin slowly. might have to though. and yeah it is a dick measuring contest in the uk thread. the squabbling can be amusing from time to time though.

that quote was actually biggie smalls btw;) 'don't you know real bad boys move in silence and violence. take it from yo highness.'
Don, check ya rep and get back to me bru?
i can oblige chief though i'll have to quarantine the fuckers first. don't want to be passing these fungus gnats on.