What is Wrong with my plant?


Well-Known Member
Take a pic, put it on your computer. Then make a post here and in the test box toolbar there is a paperclip icon that will let you load pics on your computer, good luck.Dont forget to tell us your setup, ie. nutes, soil, lights ect.
Yeah, that's truly the best way to describe the situation to us. If we can see it, we can help you. +rep for ChaoticMetal.

Good luck and good growing.


Active Member
no its burnt wood chippings, its suppose to help. i gave one shot of epsom salt and thats it, no nutes, its been really hot here and it gets roughly 14 hours of sun

Hemp Guru

Active Member
hi there people, im growin indoor, using 2-tube exolux bright-wing fluorescent light in a W75cm x D75cm x H200cm budbox grow tent, got 20 litres of water in a 50 litre resorvoir, ph tested at 5.9 with CANNA Hydro Vega A and B nutrients (160 litres in total) (80 litres of each)( added to the 20 litres of water ph 5.9) got maxi-jet pump mj500 pumpin 500 litres per hr, the lights on 18/6, the pump is on 3 times a day (during the lighting hrs) an hour at 4am another hour at 12pm and another hour at 6pm the lights on from 4am-10pm, after germinating i put 10 cracked seeds in rockwool cubes under the lights at a foot away after a week i put da lights down at 4inches above da top leaves, im at nearly 2 weeks this tuesday pics will b uploaded soon as i finish dis thread, my problem is dat da top leaves are curlin inwards, i thought the problem was that the light was too fa away at a foot now its at 4inches its still curling and gettin worst ...HELP!
Plzzzzzz! lol


Well-Known Member
no its burnt wood chippings, its suppose to help. i gave one shot of epsom salt and thats it, no nutes, its been really hot here and it gets roughly 14 hours of sun
The wood chips increased the alkalinity of the soil, killing your plants. There isn't much you can do for them at this point, just don't put the burnt wood chips on the soil again and plant in a different spot.

Hemp Guru

Active Member
The wood chips increased the alkalinity of the soil, killing your plants. There isn't much you can do for them at this point, just don't put the burnt wood chips on the soil again and plant in a different spot.

yhh they use woodchipings in playgrounds 2 stop grass/plants growin in da play area, u shud of figured that out mate, sorry bout that tho, its always painfull to see mary jane go thru such a traumatic experience lol


Well-Known Member
hi there people, im growin indoor, using 2-tube exolux bright-wing fluorescent light in a W75cm x D75cm x H200cm budbox grow tent, got 20 litres of water in a 50 litre resorvoir, ph tested at 5.9 with CANNA Hydro Vega A and B nutrients (160 litres in total) (80 litres of each)( added to the 20 litres of water ph 5.9) got maxi-jet pump mj500 pumpin 500 litres per hr, the lights on 18/6, the pump is on 3 times a day (during the lighting hrs) an hour at 4am another hour at 12pm and another hour at 6pm the lights on from 4am-10pm, after germinating i put 10 cracked seeds in rockwool cubes under the lights at a foot away after a week i put da lights down at 4inches above da top leaves, im at nearly 2 weeks this tuesday pics will b uploaded soon as i finish dis thread, my problem is dat da top leaves are curlin inwards, i thought the problem was that the light was too fa away at a foot now its at 4inches its still curling and gettin worst ...HELP!
Plzzzzzz! lol

My best educated guess on this is nute burn. I'm not sure what else it could be. It's a good rule of thumb to not give any nutes till at least week 2 and diluted down to 1/4 strength if ya do.

Hemp Guru

Active Member
My best educated guess on this is nute burn. I'm not sure what else it could be. It's a good rule of thumb to not give any nutes till at least week 2 and diluted down to 1/4 strength if ya do.

Hi, i startd off usin 40 L of water pouring in 160ml of A and 160ml of B then a week lata i halfed evrythin down to 20 L of water and 80 L of B and A. da instructions say 400ml A and 400ml B per 100 L of water, i jus added a teaspoon drop of superthrive to the resorvoir and 50ml of CANNAZYM was told it shud help.
thnx 4 ur help i might jus empty da whole resorvoir n refill it up wiv ph5.9 water


Well-Known Member
Hi, i startd off usin 40 L of water pouring in 160ml of A and 160ml of B then a week lata i halfed evrythin down to 20 L of water and 80 L of B and A. da instructions say 400ml A and 400ml B per 100 L of water, i jus added a teaspoon drop of superthrive to the resorvoir and 50ml of CANNAZYM was told it shud help.
thnx 4 ur help i might jus empty da whole resorvoir n refill it up wiv ph5.9 water
Well you got two choices from where i am standin i think. You could double the water in your res without adding nutes or change your res and go at hlaf the strength for your nutes. Canazym and superthrive won't burn your plants so you can up the amounts of those if you double your water and if you do a change keep them the same. What i end up doin when i start to nute is start at the lowest dossage for sensigrow a b and then every week when i change the res i up the nutes to the next ppm. i dunno if that helps ya but eh