they might look healthy but they still have those white-yellowish very very pale and green veins on almost every leaf but the latest ones, also my #3 which i started flowering today is getting burns on edges of the 2nd oldest leaf set,
i keep on reading so i think this shows an iron def.. probably followed by mag or calc for the edge burns
also im wondering where the fuck i could get a damn ph meter or ph pen other than ordering online,(dont have time to wait for an order and cant really order at this block i live)
been looking on walmart's site but shit theyre all out of stock of their one and only model
all i could find was some kind of cheap ph tester one try only on which u mix a little powder with soil sample this aint accurate and isnt helping at all
tomorrow if i have time i will go ahead and buy a bottle of cal-mag for sure even if i dont need to use it on em, will also look at spas and pool stores for them ph tester/pen
so far i can tell few problems i had...
- humidity problem (winter is so dry here i get about 15-17% humidity w/o an humidifer and average 40-45% with humidifer, still managed to reach 50-70% but late)
- using that urine mix once for nitrogen, iunno tf it did, never really had N toxicity as i stated on other pages
- rooting problems (when i transplanted them, the bottom wasnt filled with roots i could've seen some but not as it should've been,probably due to overwatering the seedlings, all 3 lost some part of the bottom or side earth when i transplanted)(#2 had the more roots of all 3)
- PH (no clean tap water too much chlorine i cant even drink it, wouldnt boil some because i would need to adjust the ph then and i dont have a ph pen.. so i thought i was safe using natural spring water in bottles... says 85 ppm (mg/l) and it says ph is 7.8 which i just found out this week... but that cant be it ? 7.8 my plants would have died already wouldnt they?
andddddd uselesss problem that could've been worse but i got lucky

one of my lights fell right on #2 and #1 few days ago hitting #2 made her move to the side of the pot and teared one of her newborn leaf in half, #1 is ok didnt seem to even been hit
and as of now #2 recovered well
pics coming later