

Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Lol, I'm pretty sure I don't have to worry if you saw it. It's the people I not know of, that's freaking me out.

Maybe I should start a thread asking to guess my city and whoever guesses correctly I kill.
Meh don't worry about it. I live in Lancaster, feel better now :)


Well-Known Member
I posted a screenshot to illustrate to a noob where a certain function was on RIU and I'm fucking stupid and had my Craigslist tab open in the screenshot effectively showing my city. I deleted it in a matter of minutes but still freaking out. :wall:
Good thing you were using code cities. Y'all hear that? We're using code cities.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I don't trust people craigslist scares me fucken people! I won't buy anything off that shit I sold a phone on it once I met the dude in front of the police station!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I don't know. Am I reading too much into that? Or just enough? Abort abort!!
neo I wouldn't worry about it. A city is a big place. But it depends on who wants you and how badly. All of us are toast if the right people with the right resources want us. Play the noise babe :)


Well-Known Member
about 7-8 years ago when i lived in vegas i sold a guy a nice 400w mh for like a hundo but the dude drove from az which was sketchy to me but hell maybe i had some rare ballast i was unaware of at the time since it was a gift from a connect that got it in trade for some buds or something...blah blah blah oh yeah cl 1st and only experience


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
about 7-8 years ago when i lived in vegas i sold a guy a nice 400w mh for like a hundo but the dude drove from az which was sketchy to me but hell maybe i had some rare ballast i was unaware of at the time since it was a gift from a connect that got it in trade for some buds or something...blah blah blah oh yeah cl 1st and only experience
Or just maybe it was an excuse to the wife for a vegas trip?


Well-Known Member
i would say so but there was a female with him who i would assume was his wife if only because she didn't look like a mistress if ya catch my drift


Global Moderator
Staff member
i would say so but there was a female with him who i would assume was his wife if only because she didn't look like a mistress if ya catch my drift
~ Public Service Announcement ~
Tell tail signs of a "Temp" mistress are:

1) Tube top
2) Hot pants
3) Thigh high boots


Well-Known Member
Not proud of this.

Whenever I deal with somebody that speaks in an African (especially W African) accent, I automatically devalue whatever they say and deem them full of shit.

Wasn't born this way. Don't think my parents ever encountered many African accents so it's not their fault. This one comes from my own experiences.


Well-Known Member
I got a good one...

My ex-girlfriend got me a build-a-bear and after we broke up I cut it open, took out it's heart and put the heart in a bottle as some sort of act of scorned love. I still have the bottle.