Return of the claw?


Well-Known Member
Clawing is do to nitrogen toxien, you don't have clawing, more look like over watering to me (=not to much water, but to little time in between waterings, not allowing the medium to dry out a bit and that way lock out oxygen from the root zone)

if you think that might be the case look at this link:

I have saved my plant`s before with 5ml of 3% H2O2 in a gallon of water, helps drying out the medium quicker, wile it deliver oxygen to the root zone and also remove any root rot if they got any

BUT, I base this on the pictures and info you provided, so like with every other advice in here take it with a grain of salt so to speak, and do your own research as well, and try to come to the most logical conclusion, under watering could look similar


Clawing is do to nitrogen toxien, you don't have clawing, more look like over watering to me (=not to much water, but to little time in between waterings, not allowing the medium to dry out a bit and that way lock out oxygen from the root zone)

if you think that might be the case look at this link:

I have saved my plant`s before with 5ml of 3% H2O2 in a gallon of water, helps drying out the medium quicker, wile it deliver oxygen to the root zone and also remove any root rot if they got any

BUT, I base this on the pictures and info you provided, so like with every other advice in here take it with a grain of salt so to speak, and do your own research as well, and try to come to the most logical conclusion, under watering could look similar
I think your spot on about the nitrogen tox I thought it may be ph so I flushed it an stuff soil ph is between 6.5 and 7.0 at the min white there drying out from flushing I seen some pix online that looked just like my plants that was suffering from nitrogen tox I'm going to research ways to rectify nitro tox see if I can sort it oh yeah zubey temps are about 28 average don't think that's the problem bro


Well-Known Member
ur not at a N tox level. u don't have claw. if u get it you'll know you put in too much N. i dont know what your feeding. hopefully a balanced fert. in case u do get claw know that u usually can't get rid of it. it stays throughout the grow. it affects trich production and finish time. better to prevent it


either over watered or it's to warm in there. keep humidity under 45 when 80 degrees f + i've found helps a lot


Active Member
My plant is looking similar to yours Messi. I'm a first time grower and also looking for advice here. I did a quick check of my SOIL pH by mixing a small amount of it in distilled water and found it to be 5.4 pH. I've been regularly watering the plant with 6.4-6.6 water but probably watered too often in the past week. I'm hoping it's an "overwatering" issue and I can just wait it out until the medium (50% promix and 50% perlite) dries out. I'll then start spacing water out to allow for medium oxygen. I have worked about half a teaspoon of lime into the top of the medium to help bring up the soil pH a bit. This is an AK47 auto in it's 47th day.


My plant is looking similar to yours Messi. I'm a first time grower and also looking for advice here. I did a quick check of my SOIL pH by mixing a small amount of it in distilled water and found it to be 5.4 pH. I've been regularly watering the plant with 6.4-6.6 water but probably watered too often in the past week. I'm hoping it's an "overwatering" issue and I can just wait it out until the medium (50% promix and 50% perlite) dries out. I'll then start spacing water out to allow for medium oxygen. I have worked about half a teaspoon of lime into the top of the medium to help bring up the soil pH a bit. This is an AK47 auto in it's 47th day.

Update on my claws bro flush everything let the soil dry

Messi BudGrower



Well-Known Member
Ps how do I know if it's to much nitro or to little?
If you have dark green fan leaves and you are still feeding the plant, you have too much N. If your fan leaves are losing their gloss and starting to fade, you have too little. Simple as that in my world.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
yea after a flush you have to replace the nutes you washed away I like to wait 3 days or so after a flush and feed a light mix of macro and micro nutes,