Active Member
Same old same old ay it lol fuck me you lot should of been poloticians lmao
we shall see if u Lott start raving about it, it may catch my interest.... grew slh for a long time....and my exp is not lemon....we shall see...anyways i don't want my groom to look everyone elses with the same cut......as soon as i find my phone il ring pukka we still message occasioonally, losty my phone in the house 2 weeks ago so as soon as ifind it il message him,, i know why and whatnot so its all cool
morning faggots, hows things? keeping it greeeeen i hope
and lemon, if this is tyhe older cut chedz has got,, u need ot start suking balls coz yours aint a patch on it
that is all...
My balls will wait with anticipation lolwe shall see if u Lott start raving about it, it may catch my interest.... grew slh for a long time....and my exp is not lemon....we shall see...anyways i don't want my groom to look everyone elses with the same cut......
i stopped growing slh cause i like straight lemons.....im too hard for the haze.....lol
and if it really is that good i may gently place my tounge on chedz left bollock....but i draw the line there lol....
i think we should all jump ship now..too Spain we go.....If I had my way anyone who has came here from abroad and hasn't worked and paid taxes in a 6month period will be called in and told they have another 6months before being sent home. Anyone from abroad who is a repeat offender or commits a serious crime is sent home, and does their time there. Would also go more like Australia and only allow people to come into the country who have skills which can be applied to jobs we are short of workers for.
why should they be allowed to come here and rape the benefit system? That's not to say brits don't do it but ill crack down on them too. I would also imagine it would save tax payers millions if we didnt have to pay to give repeat offenders 3 meals a day and the rest of it. Aswell as have a great impact on communities affected by crime. Have seen more than once rapists from abroad doing time here paid for by us? If I had my way they would be hung but human rights and all that crap. Well it's our right to say if your going to come here and rape women or commit crime after crime, we don't want you. What we do want is skilled job seekers in areas where there are a shortage of workers. You scratch our back and well scratch yours.
is your cut straight lems or has the haze taken over. Exoched....My balls will wait with anticipation lol
id say straight lemon and that is nt bein baised either all u can smell is lemon wen growing and it is a strong lemon not no hint bullshit !!is your cut straight lems or has the haze taken over. Exoched....
I agree 100% in Belgium your benifits are based on how long U worked for in the first place and each year a certain amount is deducted to encourage U back to work.Let's have it right, if there was no benefits system to milk in this country people wouldn't be turning down "shitty" jobs.
Ninja you really have no idea what you're talking about.They are willing to work for much less because they can come here live 5 men in a room and save all the money to bring back home where it's worth alot more? I don't blame but its defiantly a problem, hence so many party leaders now wanting to jump on the subject. Have you seen how they live back home? 4 blokes share a room to bring the rent down and save the money to go back home. Or better yet they go high up on the council list as they can't speak good english and are there for deemed vulnerable. Benefit money can go on food and beers, then work cash in hand under cutting others as they know back home it's worth alot more. The only people who benefit are those needing the workers. Expecting people to work at the same rate when the cos of living is more here is more aless exploiting. May I ask what you do for aliving?
ha ha David Icke.........his very profitable business (70 qwid tickets....wmbly area.....big money) is touted as Truth ...... I know he Lied in one of his books.....so someone who says the queen eats babies and is in fact a shapeshifting reptilian from the lower 4 th dimension (I am not fuking making this up) is allowed to rent wembly and talk shit for 7 hours....nice gig for a stoner methinksnow that i think we can all agree on. Made me laugh when i read about one mp, "im paid 65k, after ive paid for housing, food and petrol im left with 65k. I think i need a pay rise". and just think...were all in this together haha....makes me wanna put on some david icke.
Religion is where the money's at.ha ha David Icke.........his very profitable business (70 qwid tickets....wmbly area.....big money) is touted as Truth ...... I know he Lied in one of his books.....so someone who says the queen eats babies and is in fact a shapeshifting reptilian from the lower 4 th dimension (I am not fuking making this up) is allowed to rent wembly and talk shit for 7 hours....nice gig for a stoner methinks
Ur bird sounds like she's got her head screwed on yorkie...how come she lets u ly about on ur ass and grow a few plants?Ninja you really have no idea what you're talking about.
1) They don't work for much less because we have a minimum wage structure making working for less illegal (both parties are breaking the law).
2) What's stopping you from living 5 men to a room to bring the rent down?
3) Yes I have seen how they live back home (have you?) as my partner is Polish.
4) Nobody is deemed vulnerable for not speaking English and so do NOT go up the council list.
5) Migrants don't get benefit as soon as they walk into the country despite what you may think.
6) Working cash in hand is illegal (again both parties are breaking the law).
Yes you can ask what I do for a living but I don't see what relevance that has.
I grow weed and have done solely this for the last 2 years, previously to this I was a hospitality manager (as a master bartender by trade) training service staff at Europe's largest casino chain for 7 years, I'm also licensed.
My Polish partner has a Bsc in Business management and economics (Polish) and an Msc in Marketing and Management (specialising in the psychology of consumer behavior) from England that she paid for out of her own pocket, she speaks 3 languages fluently and is self employed as a freelance translator/interpreter for the NHS and CPS by day when she's not working as a senior cashier and marketing manager for the same casino by night.
I'd love to know who she's pushing out of work, lol.![]()
fuk me not come across that one before....theres so many.....sai baba the fake ....dalai lama fully paid up cia agent.......Saudis are crypto jews......mahatma Ghandi used to sleep naked with naked teen girls as some sort of bs spiritual development....I could go on but im feeling sick......its obvious .....religion is about sex and moneyReligion is where the money's at.
Benny Hinn has got it made, lol.
i know how much it stinks of lemon as ive been growing dnas lemon skunk which is the female in that parent cross...the cut i keep is also fully lemony not just a hint....id say straight lemon and that is nt bein baised either all u can smell is lemon wen growing and it is a strong lemon not no hint bullshit !!