Best Nutes to use for soil?


New Member
Hey guys i will be starting my first grow here very soon and im looking for the best and easiest nutes to use for a soil grow been thinking about going with the fox farms trio any feedback would be great


Active Member
Anything with the correct macro and micro will work. If you use a "line" like these, for the love of god don;t follow their feeding schedule, especially foxfarms. Learn to read what your plants need.


Well-Known Member
For a newbie I'd recommend a quality balanced like Jacks Classic 20-20-20, Dyna Gro Foliage + DG Bloom, or even the dreaded MG all purpose or tomato

You can buy all sorts of expensive watered down stuff with pretty picture on the label and they'll do the same as these.



Well-Known Member
For a newbie I'd recommend a quality balanced like Jacks Classic 20-20-20, Dyna Gro Foliage + DG Bloom, or even the dreaded MG all purpose or tomato

You can buy all sorts of expensive watered down stuff with pretty picture on the label and they'll do the same as these.

Hes already made up his mind to use foxfarm he just wants a "pro" to tell him hes making a good choice. He asked the same question a couple days ago and was suggested Jacks and Dynagro both but hes decided fox farm will give him "killer" yields. All you can do now is sit back n wait for the all to common "how do I use foxfarm nutes" & " im using ffof when should I feed " & " i fed myy ffof with the ff nutes and burned my plants, will they survive" questions to come rolling in from him.