Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!


Well-Known Member
Workouts are rare and far between now for me (weights)
Gotten weak and that has me sick with disgust.
I pressed 120s for reps (chest)5 yrs ago, and recently the 100s wouldnt go up, not even the 90s.... :(

WELL TODAY I got super pissed, and in the 50* garage the 110s went up for 10 reps.
I was screaming and grunting, but I am so motivated now that this might be the catalyst I needed to get big again, and just in time for my 41st bday!!!

Got 12 reps on the next set.

I dont go heavy till after several warm up sets with lighter dbs (90s) and several sets up pec-dec with only 50lbs b4 that.



Well-Known Member
Couple of Caliband in veg... just got their last topping for 8 heads and all but 4 main branches cut off... 3-4 weeks to veg those 8 colas then flower time gonna be some big mamma jammas by then



Well-Known Member
Couple of Caliband in veg... just got their last topping for 8 heads and all but 4 main branches cut off... 3-4 weeks to veg those 8 colas then flower time gonna be some big mamma jammas by then

View attachment 2945439
Looks like you jjust topped them..nice stocks forming there too.
Probably a good idea to start with lighter weights bass
I know, but I am go big or go home kinda guy...since I workout at home there's nowhere to go but big!!
Honestly light weights cant get me sore, and I can only do so many reps before my shoulder gets really aggravated, so I have to lift heavier.

If I cant do 10 reps I go to a lower weight, but if I can lift over 15 reps, then I go heavier...just my rule of thumb.

The 95s went up for close to 20 reps so I tried the heavier DBs again


Well-Known Member
Understandable for a workout but you really should warm up your muscles first. Jumping jacks and pushups or some such if nothing else. I got to start exercising again. I lapsed for most of the year.

Not sure how many of you air layer plants but I came across this thing that looked handy.http://www.airpropagator.com

I've got a pear tree and maybe a persimmon to try it on this spring. I'm wondering how long until a fruit tree clone would produce.


Well-Known Member
Understandable for a workout but you really should warm up your muscles first. Jumping jacks and pushups or some such if nothing else. I got to start exercising again. I lapsed for most of the year.

Not sure how many of you air layer plants but I came across this thing that looked handy.http://www.airpropagator.com

I've got a pear tree and maybe a persimmon to try it on this spring. I'm wondering how long until a fruit tree clone would produce.
I run with My dog usually prior to working out.
I also usually start out really light to get my joints working, since I am old now lol.

Oh and I dont smoke till after I workout now either, maybe a sativa 1st might be okay but dont have any.


Well-Known Member
I need to get out walking my dog more. I started, then it got usually cold for Texas, some rain, more cold, and I got lazy again.

Since people fail at new year's resolutions, mine is to get obese. That way I'll magically lose all this fat eating junk food...


Well-Known Member
I need to get out walking my dog more. I started, then it got usually cold for Texas, some rain, more cold, and I got lazy again.

Since people fail at new year's resolutions, mine is to get obese. That way I'll magically lose all this fat eating junk food...
I try to make my changes any time other than new yrs just for that reason.
Going to work out shoulders tomorrow, then pop beans, and then go to dr appt.
After that maybe get some clones, and shop for my girls bday.


Well-Known Member
Yeah just topped... and I just tied them down before those pics as well so the branches and stem are gonna thicken up even more pretty quick... I'm going to have fewer plants in flower next time so gotta go big :) My current batch is doing pretty good despite having shitty looking leaves due to thrip infestation... most look about a week ahead of where i normally expect... finally got my co2 situation figured and have had a tank last longer than a couple of days ;) switched from a controller that detects the co2 level to one that alternates on/off by timing. Seems the be the way to go for larger, non air-tight spaces.

Noticing one unfortunate difference after switching back to HPS from LED... when you have ladybugs under LED when they die they die... under HPS you gotta check your plant underneath for little dead ladybug raisins that flew too close to the sun and got fried... found like 3 or 4 on one plant just now gross. 3-4 weeks til the first girls start coming down this is where it gets exciting... gotta see if I can meet my goals I only need to get 1.5z/per avg to meet it so not too unrealistic but they were not big plants going in... they definitely could've used a week or two more veg before flower... this'll be the last time I do a single cola run as well unless it's a SOG...


Well-Known Member
Yeah just topped... and I just tied them down before those pics as well so the branches and stem are gonna thicken up even more pretty quick... I'm going to have fewer plants in flower next time so gotta go big :) My current batch is doing pretty good despite having shitty looking leaves due to thrip infestation... most look about a week ahead of where i normally expect... finally got my co2 situation figured and have had a tank last longer than a couple of days ;) switched from a controller that detects the co2 level to one that alternates on/off by timing. Seems the be the way to go for larger, non air-tight spaces.

Noticing one unfortunate difference after switching back to HPS from LED... when you have ladybugs under LED when they die they die... under HPS you gotta check your plant underneath for little dead ladybug raisins that flew too close to the sun and got fried... found like 3 or 4 on one plant just now gross. 3-4 weeks til the first girls start coming down this is where it gets exciting... gotta see if I can meet my goals I only need to get 1.5z/per avg to meet it so not too unrealistic but they were not big plants going in... they definitely could've used a week or two more veg before flower... this'll be the last time I do a single cola run as well unless it's a SOG...
Ill be lucky to pull .5 oz a plant this run with my short veg and concrete freezing floors.

I might pull everything early to save energy on these tiny budding plants


Well-Known Member
Happy new year!

I'd love to have freezing concrete floors. Then maybe I could run hydro. My room Amber temperature is 80, so my water fills up with algae quickly.


Well-Known Member
Happy new year!

I'd love to have freezing concrete floors. Then maybe I could run hydro. My room Amber temperature is 80, so my water fills up with algae quickly.
You are tight I should def be doing hydro to take advantage of the cold instead suffering from it.

I have a water chiller I bought well over a yr ago, and still havent even used.
I think I was planning hydro at my old place and forgot or changed plans...


Well-Known Member
My cab is super tiny and had no room for a chiller if I wanted. Plus didn't want to run the electricity. My next place is a concrete slab so I'll have to keep my eye on the temperature. Winter I could definitely pull it off, summer would have to play by ear. Maybe one good hydro run each winter could supply me for the year. Doubt I'd have the balls to go that big though


Well-Known Member
My cab is super tiny and had no room for a chiller if I wanted. Plus didn't want to run the electricity. My next place is a concrete slab so I'll have to keep my eye on the temperature. Winter I could definitely pull it off, summer would have to play by ear. Maybe one good hydro run each winter could supply me for the year. Doubt I'd have the balls to go that big though
I think the elec bill is prolly why I dont use it honestly


Well-Known Member
So I'm thinking of putting in the order for the 80x3w light and getting a tent with the rest of my money rather than one bigger light and growing out in the open.

Does 32" x 32" x 60" sound about the right size?


Well-Known Member
That's what I've got.. running a 600 aircooled...

edit: That's a lie… mine is actually 72" high… which is definitely a help.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. The 72" isn't much more, could grab it. Just want sure with the led. Guess it's not like I'll be using the space above the cab anyways so might as well get the tall one
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Well-Known Member
Well turns out I'm not getting the 80x3w. I either go with a 5w or go to a different company. Downside to another company is that I won't get the replacement part for my current light.


Well-Known Member
i don't know your grow style voidling but the extra height will only ever be a benefit imo.

how are you finding led for flowering? i am still not completely convinced but i have seen a few grows that made me pay attention.


Well-Known Member
Well my past grow style has been in a tiny cab and was making drastic changes between grows so I never really got anything locked in. the plants grew fine but never had rock hard buds. Don't know it it was the light or something else. Reef has more experience with them.

My reason for led is that everything else just gets too hot for me. I can't vent into an attic or under the house, plus the door to the room has to stay closed. Even at 200w setting my hps baked the entire room.