Cherpy cherpy sheep sheep
Active Member
. . . Oh & the slabs of ghee brownies I've been feasting on ,spent last few month with eye brows on back of neck .
happy new year geezer hope you have a good one and hope you had a nice xmas mate, exo aint for everyone its just a easy to grow strain with a short flower period that the mass's wont cause of that stench, lots say they have tasted better but when grown right i find it hard to beat imo especially for that mass appeal and also flower time.Rambo & Zed, happy new year, sorry havnt been ignoring u, just my sweed has been fucked last couple of months & smokings not helped, beien out of work for a long stretch & now no motivation to return !. Smoked nearly a whole harvest , only 8 0z I grant u , but gone in a few month. Gonna buy a davinci vape coz that's all I can afford, & give fags up 2. Blaa blaa blaa, u get the jist . I just put my first livers & pysco into flower, roll on march !, wasn't that impressed with my first exo experience , grew great , smelled great , strength & taste let down, but that prob says more about my growing !grew in bat shite & Dutch pro with explode & 2 weeks ripen , 10 week chop. Hopeing pysco will do well, looking good atm. Evening all.
na, they was all taking piss, never thrown a whitey like that mate, i swear to god it was LETHAL, hes giving me the pipe soon and gives me 200-220 per oz, so its fucking great all around, he had livers of me and culcndt belive how good it was,,like i say 10-11 weeks for livers, is magical could go longer still had clear trichs.Lol ice I think I just pissed mi self. Tell me ya didn't spew on ya lil lass lol.
lol R@ na doubt it,,, they wouldnt have the cheek,,, but some would,Iv smoke some hash on one of the pipes in the same way ya talking about.. Kinda jus like a hot knife converter for a bong ain't they? Got me proper fucked but never had bho on one lol
na this was glass, no gause noffink, u just heat it to white hot and hold the bho over it after u plonk th glass bowl bak ontop (it has a hole a the top of it)Fuck me that's a high percentage. No wonder ya threw a whitey lol. Yeah the one I had was just like a metal pipe ya heat up and dab a bit on. Wouldn't mind tryin one with a bit of bho haha.
yeh sum gas, and not that ronson shit as sum1 on here led s to belive it was the best gas, it is NOT,Yeh its lovely stuff I can't wait to get a proper glass rig with a nice titanium nailu lucky getting that given to ya there expensive'll have to tell me how he make his bho its suppose to be easier to purge than alcohol
Sambo ya fat ginger tosser I love you too u ugly troll lookin northern tosser were ya been hiding next to kids playgrounds undercover looking like weres fuckin wally lolis it deffo you then chedz??? would like to say i missed ya but i aint lol brought any 80k tele's lately? or still too hardcore you need to rip the easiest rip there could be??? for fucking subutex i might add not even anything worth nowt lol fuck i threw away over a hundred of them nasty things....
cheeky fucking ira loving wanker..........
lol loytering going equipped with jellybabies.Sambo ya fat ginger tosser I love you too u ugly troll lookin northern tosser were ya been hiding next to kids playgrounds undercover looking like weres fuckin wally lol