The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
no m8 fuck all planned, no babysitter for the kids so it will just be me and the wife getting pished at home bringing in the bells, got some nice smoke for it and plenty beers in so will make the most of what i got.
im fucking smoked out mate, me pal who i thought gave me a half of exo for xmas turned out was 20g not a half i did think it looked large for a half but anyway i been smoking non stop exo morning to night for days now have well had enough now, gonna get wrecked tomorrow me thinks got some family up in the morning who ill hit for some prescription goodys then few joints in the afternoon n lots of booze n a few lines for night......


Well-Known Member
im being good and staying in wit the family, was mena be a budget xmas, kinda went out the winder, so gotta be a budget new yr, lol not saying why,,it just has..


Well-Known Member
Not to bad mate, same old shit. Skint after Christmas as per usual lol. Gonna get blamo'd on new year then chill out on the drink. Far to much jd has gone through my liver over Christmas! Poor cunt lol.


Well-Known Member
I've got a bottle of gonna get another bottle of Smirnoff and sum red bull a nice bit a fruity tackle with some kief...job done that'll be me happy just a couple if folk coming round not into big crowds people do my head in
yeah all good R3, gonna get this bug spray 2morro to deal with the thrips after that we shud be sweet till harvest as long as no more fucking problems arise, will be potting up more clones 2morro gonna chuck a cpl in 12/12 from rooted clone and see what they can do.
Gaz, I'm prob teaching u to suck eggs but, spray just after lights off, or turn them off for few hours, u may get residue on leaves , but will go after few days. Cheers.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
anyone in here tried this strain, Jamaican dream, i seen someone in the 600 thread growing it at day 35 of 12/12 and was talking about harvesting in 9 days, so i googled it and its the 1st strain ive seen to finish flowering in 45 days total,

so im intrigued as to opinions on it and if the smoke is any good from it?

One of the 'Smelly Cherry x Super Lemon Haze' pheno's I did finished in 4 weeks on the dot, the fastest I've seen yet.

Pulled 3 oz but it was gash.
ahh theres the problem then m8, im already 4 weeks into flower now, looking for summit i can use during flowering
Nay problem m8, u can use it in flower ( up to a week b4 harvest I think ),it's just I don't spray in flower because I'm outside & have high mold risk , crack on Gaz, mind u , I've had real bad thrips & didn't treat at all, & had no loss or ill effect, as it wasn't that infested untill late on in flower, it's when there real bad early on in veg u need worry, I'm sure others will agree. Just crack on if I were u, but whatever makes ya feel good, either way will suffice m8.


Well-Known Member
kl after hearing that m8 i might just leave them be for now until after i harvest this lot, then i can clean the tents and equipment down and spray then to prevent any in the future, i'll still get the bug spray 2morro and see how i feel lol, gonna treat the clones in the wee tent anyway as i noticed the exo in there is affected also
Rambo & Zed, happy new year, sorry havnt been ignoring u, just my sweed has been fucked last couple of months & smokings not helped, beien out of work for a long stretch & now no motivation to return !. Smoked nearly a whole harvest , only 8 0z I grant u , but gone in a few month. Gonna buy a davinci vape coz that's all I can afford, & give fags up 2. Blaa blaa blaa, u get the jist . I just put my first livers & pysco into flower, roll on march !, wasn't that impressed with my first exo experience , grew great , smelled great , strength & taste let down, but that prob says more about my growing !grew in bat shite & Dutch pro with explode & 2 weeks ripen , 10 week chop. Hopeing pysco will do well, looking good atm. Evening all.