
  1. crimsonecho

    panic attack material for salt farmers :)

    nightmare for sterile guys :) just a handful of my indoor composting soil for the next run. wish i had a microscope to see what kind of microbes were in there. probably couldn’t have identified a single one rofl
  2. TrialbyError

    Nematode ? Gnat Larvae? Theres so many of them AHHHH!

    Alright, so for a while now i have been trying to figure out what the "worms" pictures / shown i video below actually are and whether or not they are beneficial or of concern. SAt first, i thought oh no this is the worst fungus gnat larvae infestation I have ever seen, but, there where no gnats...
  3. N

    making large batches of worm food

    so i have been building a couple flow through worm bins over the weekend and they will have a combination of alabama jumpers and euro night crawlers. i am trying to figure out a mix ratio for some worm food to compliment a mostly compost diet also let me know if i should add or remove anything...
  4. B

    Top dress feeding with worm humus?

    Hi everyone.. Im growing 2 autoflowers from fastbuds, lemon ak & Blue dream. Around 3 days from seed. I am using automated watering, so i won’t be able to feed the plants nutes automaticly. Therefore i wanted to use top dress feeding instead of my biobizz collection. i am using biobizz light mix...
  5. founta13

    Can someone help me please

    Outdoor grow auto plant, second week of flowering, noticed on few leaves some really small holes, found some really small white worms i guess, what can i do?
  6. L

    Worms eating mycos

    https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10530-006-9020-x My indoor bed grow is absolutely crawling with composting worms and micro fauna. They seem to be amassing in the top 2" - 3". I do very light waterings every day to keep top soil alive and alive this bitch is. After every watering...
  7. L

    Worms damaging myco hyphae?

    https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10530-006-9020-x My indoor bed grow is absolutely crawling with composting worms and micro fauna. They seem to be amassing in the top 2" - 3". I do very light waterings every day to keep top soil alive and alive this bitch is. After every watering...
  8. kushdaddy1980


    Switching from hydro to soil. Using fox farm ocean forest soil and mychorezea. Watering with homemade compost tea and molasses. Should i add some worms in? If so what kind of worms are best? How many (if any) should i use?
  9. Brother Sweetleaf

    My Good Sh!t Has Some Worm Sh!t. Thoughts? Knowledge? Help?

    Before harvest, my Grape Stomper OG was infested with worms. I figured that I could maybe work around it, sacrificing 1/3 of the crop, but upon inspecting everything with a microscope, I've learned that pretty much the entire plant had been hit. Nearly every single bud-- even those that looked...
  10. B

    Need help! Budworms, Mold -- harvest now?

    Hi All, This is only my second time growing and first time outdoors... and well, my poor girls are getting massacred by bud worms. Basically I have 11 girls on my deck (live in SoCal) that I planted in May from a bunch of random seeds I found in herb I bought and expected some of them to come...
  11. john wishmyer

    Plz help me Caterpillars/poop

    sooo about my fourth week of flowering and ive discovered an infestation of these little fuckin caterpillars!!! ive already taken off a couple buds off my plant due to the stem being brown along with poop covering them. ive already bought catepillar BT and have been going through each plant with...
  12. S

    Work bins/vermicomposting/ topdressing

    Hello, just wondering if any one on here uses worm bins or composts with worms? I'm looking to set up a good size bin this week. I ordered 2000 bed run worms mostly red Wiggler's but others will be included as well. I plan to use the castings for my cannabis as well as my other plants and...
  13. psychadelibud

    Finding a solution to a new problem.

    Howdy folks! I have been spraying my plants this year with BT to prevent those stubborn, useless, pointless, disgusting, shitting, silk worms (bud worms) and caterpillars. Seems to be working pretty well thus far. Every year around this time in mid to late flower those little bastards start...
  14. B


    My juicy buds are covered in catipilar turds. I need to know what to use I have 5 year.old pyrethrin. I herd.not.to put it on your buds but I'm.bud washing regardless because of the poop. Or should I use BT or should I USE neem oil?? I need to spray it in my.buds because that's where the are...
  15. Rocko's Roots

    Worms in soil.

    Hi guys, I read that having an earth worm in with my pots is good for aerating the soil. At what stage should I put one in there? Will it harm the seedling if it's too early or promote root extension? Any info appreciated! Thanks.
  16. folkemord

    Folkemord's Organic Garden

    Hello everyone, I have been lurking on here for a while and decided it was time to share my small organic garden. I am working in a 4x4 tent with a single 65 Gallon smart pot and 1200 watts of LED light. My soil is my own mix and is in its first cycle. Right now I am growing a single DNA...
  17. calliandra

    I'll show you mine if you show me yours :D

    Haha, yes, exactly what you were thinking, I know! WORMBINS! The world needs more wormbin pix! I love my wormbin! My worms are so happy I want to show the whole wide world! 8-) So here's mine, after feeding yesterday. I got busy so I hadn't prepared the bedding, which came on today. 2...
  18. freemanjack


    I might have missed it, if so my apologies for any duplication but I see a lot of talk about worm castings as food, wormeries and how good these things are. Anybody else actually add live worms to their grows?? If I pull up a root-ball and its not got a worm wrigglin in it, I figure I bin doin...
  19. Dadopeboii

    Does this look like root rot? Outdoor grow

    Hello, my plants seem to be growing more unhealthy by the minute and one even died in less than a week. I have tried to treat for bugs as much as possible and supplied nutrients and micronutrients. I even added some lime and watered it in to correct ph. Does this look like the symptoms of root...
  20. J

    silkworm castings - does anyone have worms strickly for the castings?

    So I have a lot of plants and I was thinking of getting some silkworms and setting up an old fish tank to breed and collect castings. I was just wondering if anyone else has done this. I was also wondering if I could adjust their diet to adjust how effective the castings are.