
  1. R

    Electrical questions

    Planning on starting a new flower room, installing 6 630 watt cmh lights, window ac 20k btu, dehumidifier, carbon filter inline combo etc. My electrical knowledge is slim to none unfortunately. I’m curious what I will need to do besides upgrade my breaker (wire upgrade needed?) the house is 70...
  2. dr.medecine

    General help with cob build

    Hi all. Sorry to crate a thread about this, searched for info but still uncertain and do not want to mess and neither can I afford it to be honest. So I finally could afford to pull the trigger on a small space cob build but math is my weak side and must could not figure out AWG but Cobkit...
  3. coreywebster

    Lead solder or Lead free

    This is taken from the citizen pdf 7-8. Recommended soldering Condition (This product is not adaptable to reflow process.) -For manual soldering Please use lead-free soldering. Soldering shall be implemented using a soldering bit at a temperature lower than 350C, and shall be finished...