
  1. Bicoastal858

    Agnetix water cooled 1250 watt LEDs

    Anyone have a good experience with Agnetix and their water cooled lights? A close buddy is struggling non-stop with foxtailing and all the while their rep for the last year has been telling them info that's proven to be wrong time and time again. At the moment they're only running at 20% light...
  2. l0wbob2016

    DIY watercooled photosynthetic-research LED-Lamp completed build, tell me what u think

    Hello all thread-viewers, i failed to create a good post the first time so i will post this again but better :) my idea was to build a DIY-LED with COB's and make it kinda special. So i decided to watercool the COB's which some of u alrdy guessed, get pretty warm. Since the COB's are more...