vac oven

  1. B

    From Tube To Oven

    How to get the best results from a best value vacs oven?! Recently bought. I'm used to just whipping my concentrate in pyrex over warm water and need better results, my tools consist of but not limited to regular butane tube extractors, hot plate, oven, vacuum. PLEASE HELP
  2. Y

    Closed loop everything comes out as crumble

    Hi everybody, I use to come to these grow forums years ago under another account for my home gig. Now I'm working for a medicinal company, and need some help with concentrates. A run down of our gear: We have a Mk II Terpenator closed loop extractor. Our trim is dried and then stored in totes...
  3. C

    Why won't my dewaxed bho slabs stabilize?

    I am running a close loop extractor w/ a dewax chamber and 8 micron filter. My slabs will not stabilize even when left in the oven for weeks at low temp 85f up to 125f. There shouldn't be a need to go any hotter in a vac oven. I maintain temps during extraction well below 100f and pressure no...