
  1. Hawk518

    Beginner Tincture Q's

    Unfortunately, it looks like I need to try tinctures instead of vaping. Vaping is leading to lung issues. I am beyond brand new at this. Had no idea that I could make tinctures at home until just a few days ago. Been reading lots of articles / watching lots of YouTube vids, but still have...
  2. BadEend

    How long do you soak for tincture (confused by new info)

    HI Dont believe all you read on the internet but this one has me wondering ... in a way it makes sense but . it is contradicted by 10 other articles that state the longer the better https://culinarysolvent.com/blogs/ethanol/top-4-alcohol-tincture-myths-everyone-believes Any...
  3. DaDutchy

    Curing not required for tincture

    OK , here ...and not in the processing forum ;) So there is time vs humidity Humidity helps enzymes to get rid of undesired materials... which would cause a harsh smoke.. But I am not smoking a certain portion So how about hanging the plants to dry in the grow house ..stick in a...
  4. D

    Help with tincture!

    Hi, ive made tincture with ever clear twice, but this time it didn’t come out right! I have no liquid just bud and the bud isnt burnt. What did i do wrong? I let it boil for about 4 hours usually i do 6-8 but it was no liquid left. What can i do to fix this?
  5. B

    HELP ASAP!! Tincture Edibles

    I’m not sure if I’m doing this right. I’ve posted but I can’t find it anywhere, not even under my profile content. So I’m going to post again. I went and bought 6 bottle of THC tincture from the dispensary today for my edibles. I’ve been making edibles for years but have always made my own...
  6. B

    Tincture edibles

    So I went and bought 6 bottles of tincture from the dispensary today for my edibles, I’ve made edibles for the last few years but have always made my own infused coconut oil or butter or whatever. But I’ve never worked with tincture, I was told you have to decarb it? But isn’t it already...
  7. NewEnglandFarmer

    tincture expert says 20 minute extraction is all you need

    After a somewhat disappointing attempt at a tincture using 150 vodka (sublingual did nothing, had to swallow a couple ounces just to feel anything), I jumped online and sought out a high-proof ethanol. Ended up finding this cool little Mom&Pop distillery here in Maine that makes 200 proof...
  8. H

    Standardizing Edibles

    I see a lot of recipes for mixing oils, butters, tinctures into them and dividing the end product into a particular number of servings to get an estimated dose. My question is specifically for gummies where individual molds are used. I know what my tincture dosage is and I want to...
  9. Silverstrings420

    Green dragon white stuff (if in wrong section lmk)

    Hi, í had like an ounce of trim and some popcorn buds so í tried to make green dragon. I forgot to decarb and grind everything before putting the (80 proof vodka) alcohol in, so í ground and decarbed some more and threw it in a day or two later (it's been in for 5 days now.. 4 since the...
  10. T

    Forgot to decarb CBD herb! Help!

    So I'm not a noob at making butter or oil. I think I just got a little too excited about my CBD herb finally being ready for tincture making. I made glycerin tincture in my magical butter machine at 130 F for 8 hours with ringos gift. It was done late last night. It was literally not until I...
  11. d.nille

    Watering my plants (What if....)

    Hi I am just curious about this topic, I would be enlightened to read any info or knowledge. I had some tincture made from everclear and stored up keef that I diluted with water (I decided to drink some of this water to get high for an event later in the day). I had the random thought of "what...
  12. esopus

    Green Dragon potency with isi nitrous oxide vrs slow methodology?

    Has anyone played around much using the rapid infusion technique (isi nitrous oxide) to make Green Dragon? I'm curious about how it might be different from the slow traditional method. More or less potent? Other advantages or drawbacks? It's certainly quick and easy, I'm experimenting myself...
  13. ukflowzy

    Bho syrup update! PLEASE HELP ME

    I am thinking for my syrup if I mix my gram of bho with 95% food grade alcohol when I make it into a syrup it will mix much better!? https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B073XTFFKQ#Ask I’ve found this that is available in my country and seems to be the same as ever clear, is it the same stuff? And...
  14. ukflowzy

    making bho simple syru but having trouble! HELP

    I’m trying to make bho syrup like you see going about too enjoy with my friends! I’ve came to the conclusion that nothing really mixes that well! Was wondering if anyone knows a good way to infuse a syrup with bho!? I’ve tried infusing the bho into glycerin but couldn’t get it to mix properly...
  15. macsnax

    Cbd crystals

    So I bought a gram of cbd crystalline from a dispensary. It contains 957mg of cbd. It's dab-able, smoke-able, what have you. But I would rather turn it into a tincture. It's already active, no need for decarb. Does anyone know if vegetable glycerine would dissolve these crystals? I would rather...
  16. CaddyCatCat


    I recently made myself my first batch of tincture using Glycerin and it turned out good..helps my pain. But I'm wondering if using coconut oil would be even better? And if so, would I use the ratio of bud to oil? For my glycerin tincture I used 1g of bud to 1oz of glycerin. I used the slow...
  17. Palomar

    Tincture tech

    Hey all - made a couple tinctures and had a couple questions. Using 151 Rum and 1 oz decarbed, I used a double boiler and infused. Surprised at how little end product was created when done and filtered. Love to see some links on best practices and how to determine strength. I assume I may...
  18. cannetix Inc

    Some interesting information in regards to sublingual administration (tinctures)

    Greetings RIU Community! While reading through some journals today I stumbled across the following study pertaining to the absorption of drugs through the sublingual mucosa (the mucous membrane located under the tongue). http://www.ijppsjournal.com/Vol3Suppl2/1092.pdf It suggests; "The...
  19. Lion-O

    Glycerin tincture irritation

    Made my first glycerin tincture and it irritated my tounge and throat. First time I held a few drops under my tounge. The next time tried swalling some mixed in yogurt. Both had same result. The recipe was about 3/4 cup glycerin, 1/8 cup glycol, 20 drops mint oil, heated for a day in crockpot...
  20. Genki88

    Just a quick question................
