
  1. Merkn4aSquirtn

    NL auto first month of flower

    77 days old today Started flowering mid June Coco grow June 21st 2020 One month later..July 21st 2020 Wonder how much she’ll provide for me :bigjoint:
  2. john wishmyer

    Calyxes slowly swelling, trichs clear

    hey yall i have this dosi do that ive been growin for some time. i topped tied and did the works with this one. have noticed during her flower that shes not swelling as much as i thought the plant would be. anyone else grow this and or have some experience with it? shes in a 7 gal smart gallon pot.
  3. john wishmyer

    gelato flowering since august 1st

    hey yall my outdoor gelatos been flowering since aug 1st. i noticed parts of the plants have swelled while others have not. anyway ive looked under a loop and trichomes are mostly clear with some milky and about 1% amber. I know the harvest is up to the individual but im wondering if yall think...