strain descriptions

  1. Bamstradlin

    Need help from experts, what strain could this be? it dropped me 3 seeds

    my friend just gave me one little bud he said he buyed it from a farmer in Oaxaca, Mexico. the weed is so good, good taste, the effect is pretty active and gives you euphoria, taste is sweet, not like candy. any ideas of whats strain could this be i now it is impossible to tell 100% but if...
  2. K

    How to get seeds

    Hey im new to this chat, been trying for awhile to gain some seeds but due to the fact that i live in the Caribbean it hard to get proper overseas strains, can anyone point me in the right direction???
  3. Palomar

    Mix It Up... your latest soil

    What change did you make in the last two years to your soil mix that had the best results? What’s your current mix? With spring starting, what strain are you most looking forward too this year and why? Good luck respect, pal
  4. A

    Strain descriptions conundrum

    I m looking for some new strains for next years indoors season, and all that advertising and the trickery with the adjectives they use, to hide that their strains are just plain sickens me to my metal core. It seems like there is a whole new code in developement you have to...