I have a photo I flipped two weeks ago. I'm seeing female flower signs, the white hairs popping out of some, but then it also has some flowers that look different. Is it a hermie? I have it in a tent with a female that's mid flower. Thanks for all the help!
Seed that plant orginated from was from some random really good strain of weed i smoked that i wanted to recreate. Sadly although plant is forming balls instead of balls with white hairs meaning its a male. Can someone confirm this please, thankyou.
Hiya I use this site for help wen I need it n I need help again lol.
I was given a seed few month back n thought I'd give a go. As it was growing it looked like a female but now it budded I confused the top of the bud has hairs but at bottom it looks like pollen sacs which have opened ? It been...