root aphids

  1. V

    ROOT APHIDS - No azadirachtin, pyrethrin or synthetics allowed. Now what?

    The old go to's are not allowed by my company. No pyrethroids or artificial chemicals allowed. Also aza-anything is prohibited, no neem products at all because of CHS(Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome). The growers are convinced that these products go systemic and pose a risk to medical patients in...
  2. crimsonecho

    a mite to remember

    don’t kill these guys if you have them, don’t drench your soil or soilless mix with pesticides, don’t use diatomaceous earth to cover the top soil either because these guys will do the job for free. hypoaspis miles, a beneficial guy all the way. scavengers, so they will eat any pest that spends...
  3. F_Dupp

    Micro root aphids

    I have recently discovered that I am infested with micro RA. They are so small (about 1/5 the size of a grain of salt) that I wouldnt even know that I had them, were it not for them being visible while crawling around on the black net pots. I have used Merit 75 and Kontos (spirotetremat) against...
  4. U

    Root aphids??

    Hi guys, sorry for the double post (posted in plant problems before I found Bugs) but me and Buddy are freakin’ out here. What the hell are these?? He swears there’s no spider mites (that’s what some of the damage looks like to me) edit: thought I’d add more information. All these pics are from...
  5. U

    What are these bugs? Root aphids???!!!!!

    Hi guys, first post in years but I’m a regular stalker of these forums. attached are pics my partner just sent me—we’re both pretty sure they’re root aphids but have never had them before so can’t say for sure. I feel sick inside. Any and all opinions are welcome, and thank you
  6. An1m0ssity

    Root Aphids INSIDE My Germinating Seed.

    So I'm on my very first grow. Just decided to grow out a few bag seeds. Only 1 turned out to be female and she's looking beautiful. In her 3rd week of flower and starting to smell gorgeous. I decided to germinate a couple more seeds I had saved. Went with the volcano shape since I've read...
  7. skywayoil

    Transplant shock? (Aeroponics)

    New to this forum and this is my first post... I currently work at an aeroponic facility in western NC, helping to grow hemp/CBD. We loaded 44 clones into one of our towers this past Wednesday, all of which seemed healthy. We noticed on Friday that there were root aphids and possible...
  8. john wishmyer


    Any idea on how to ki these piece of shit i found a pretty decent amount theyre in the medium n under the pots no idea how theycoulda got indoors
  9. R

    Root aphids

    Does any have good product to kill root aphids that is lab test friendly for finishing prduct
  10. shogon92

    Best way to get rid of Root Aphids & Springtails

    Dear friends, Now i've hear Springtails are beneficial to the soil and don't cause much harm to the plants however Root Aphids have the opposite approach!:wall: I've come across what seems to be Root Aphids and was wondering how i can get rid of them so they can stop eating at the plants...
  11. SimplyPete

    Root Aphid Preventative HYDRO

    I'm thinking on my next grow to encapsulate my roots by making a pantyhose barrier around my net pots in dwc. Allowing for root growth a barrier between water borne critters. I understand it may come with caveats but i intend to make it work. Also i have a theory that using top drip systems and...