
  1. Egzoset

    Happy Halloween!!

    [ https:// ] Attention aux empoisonnements d’enfants par des bonbons au cannabis (2021-Oct-30) « Le centre antipoison de l’hôpital pour enfants... » Seen in Québec, supposed to have occured...
  2. Egzoset

    SQdC's CBD, so faint it practically turned into a placebo - while Radio-Canada's title mocks ALL CBD...

    [ https:// ] Les aliments contenant du CBD ont-ils de réels bienfaits? – L'épicerie (2021-Oct-21) Do CBD edibles have real benefits? ... Now guess who's behind each SQdC clerk formation (stated @ 2:19 precisely...): « Le docteur Didier Jutras-Aswad...
  3. Egzoset

    Marie-Claude Lavallée interviews Jessica Harnois about wine...

    Salutations, Put it on the account of the elevated local temperature, or maybe there is a link to be made with cannabis after all... Go figure, even the "medical" one at that, perhaps even specially that... M'well, i never was in favour of such artificial discrimination for the sake of unjust...
  4. hanimmal

    The Epoch Times: Chinese Jesus-Freaks Want Trump to Win to Bring About a Communist Armageddon.

    Why do real stories sound like cheap trashy conspiracy magazines anymore! I saw my first ad yesterday on Youtube with some high production video on their huge poster sized flow chart of how they are spinning the Mueller investigation as a witch hunt. I was curious, but seeing a blurb on it...
  5. I


    Legalization is currently big news in England, spured by the medical debate as per. Lots of opinion for legalization now in UK, ex party leaders,and top cops for and usual suspects against, this article has been put out today by the leading anti newspaper, No.1 for killer Skunk psychosis...
  6. ttystikk

    Fix News has more influence over presidential elections than nearly anyone thought

    Cuz I'm back by popular demand! Read it or don't, comment or don't. Truth really doesn't care what you think.