powdered nutrients

  1. T

    Can anyone help with what ratio of a and b nutrients i should be using

    So I have some powdered nutrients that you use to make up your base a and b nutrients to then add to the reservoir They are called hydrocrop I will post pics of them and will also post the calmag i have from them and my tap water information I filter my tap water with a 3 stage filter it shows...
  2. T

    Anybody used these powdered nutrients Hydrocrop

    They are called hydrocrop you dilute powder a and b with water then that's what you add to the reservoir I did want to get Jack's nutrients but they don't ship to uk https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B08C7RVPVD?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title