This is my first grow, still learning a lot but thought i'd come here for help from more expirienced growers. any and all help greatly appreciated. As far as plant info goes, the two plants in the back of the tent are thc bomb autos from MSNL and the front one is a white widow auto also from...
Hi. Would anyone be so kind as to tell me what’s happening in these three pics? Especially with number 1. I simply cannot identify the problem. I was having phosphorus and potassium issues. Then they started to flower and I started getting nitrogen issues. My lights are 1.5 to two feet away from...
I started off With happy frog in red solo cups and had to be away for a week or 2 so they stayed in them for too long. I transferred into 5 gal recently using Big Rootz soil. Considered a super soil they said at the hydro store. They recommended using BioCanna Rhizotonic and BioCanna Vega.. I...
this is my first grow and to be honest I think I’ve caused issues by not thinking about which soil to use, I used a pack of potting soil that was lying around for 6 months, not even sure what type etc.
my leaves are showing pretty bad case of what I think is K deficiency but I’ve no idea...