orange spots

  1. N

    Day 58 Autoflower - Yellow dotting on a couple of leaves

    First grow ever - day 58 coco grow in a 5 gallon pot. Usually watering once every two days until runoff. Last watering input which was this morning was 1490 EC pH of 6.01 Feeding Big Bloom and Tiger bloom with calmag. Run off was 1800 EC runoff pH 5.7. Had no issues at all until I went home for...
  2. Voodoo Chile

    Orange spots and cupping under LED 1st grow

    I am asking in this post about the 3 feminized Indica-dominant seedlings and their issue(s). Apologies for all the details, im still working on getting a grow log up. SYMPTOMS: Orange and pale yellowish spots, and cupping. My setup: 2x4x8 tent FFOF cut with perlite, about 6 to 1, soil to perl...
  3. ddeck96

    Tiny orange spots on leaves!!

    Over the last week or so I’ve started to notice tiny orange spots on the leaves. Seems to be spreading at a fairly fast rate on two of my plants that entered flower about 2 weeks or so ago. There is also some yellowing starting in the veins of the leaf and spreading outwards as you can see in...