nute chart

  1. M

    Reverse osmosis necessary

    Hi Guys, If the EC of the tap water is .6 before nutes would you way a filter is 100% needed? I’m adding hardly any which takes it up to .8 which is still probably too high for where they’re at. Currently trying to see why they don’t seem to be taking to the net pot well and I think it’s...
  2. dabbindylan

    growth science a & b?

    Has anyone used this product? Any tips on specific.. Throw up pictures if possible. Thanks
  3. mrgreen2015

    pH Nutrient Uptake Chart for Hydro

    This chart just blew my mind. I'm on my first Hydro grow and this explains so much. I kept on having deficiencies and couldn't figure out why. Well, maybe because I kept my pH at 5.8 and always ended up changing out my rez before it had a chance to really change. This was causing my problem. I...