
  1. m4s73r

    Indoor HugelKultur Bed Gorrilla Cookies ChilLed Growcraft x5

    I wanted to share my experiment I have going on with my grow. I have started a new bed based around HugelKultur. We will be growing the last 4 clones of Gorilla Cookies (GG#4xGSC). These are being grown under DIY ChilLed Growcraft x5 600w. This is a fresh made soil mix as well. Click Here for a...
  2. Stinky_Jones

    Green Lacewings inside a grow room?

    As the subject suggests, does anyone here use Green Lacewings in their grow room? I have an organic no-till flowering room and I would like to introduce some beneficial predators if possible. I know that ladybugs are attracted to HID lighting, so they're not going in there, but I saw an...