
  1. N

    New grower

    I'm starting to get roots on my stems Can I leave them be or should I add more soil on top. I've asked a couple of questions in my local group and the answers where all over the place.
  2. F

    Male, female, or tranny?

    So I'm very new at this. This plant has been in flower for about 2 weeks. It appears that it is showing signs of sex and it kinda looks male or tranny to me but I can't tell for sure. I have posted a few pictures.. any help on the sex of this plant would really be appreciated. Thank you...
  3. TMTWiwannahavebluntz4dayz

    Help! Weird spots on leaves, could not find in other forms

    Some information on this would be greatly appreciated…. So I finally was able to grow some decent looking plants because I took them out from my box that has CFL grow lights and put them outside where mother nature's light shines a hell of a lot brighter than any I have. All the problems I was...