
  1. AcquMagister

    Legalization USD/lb, the Cali electric bill & the US electric grid, are we done for?

    Legalization USD/lb I got egiee gity viewing the first posts of another thread, but the posts are from 2015. Norml ( tells me 500usd/lb outdoor and 1,600usd/lb indoor is the market price in the legal market pretty much anywhere. But then again Norml has been fibbing about the legal...
  2. Steep Hill

    Legalization in the U.S. - What Do You Think?

    Written by: Diana Essex In an April 2021 press conference, White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki said, “Biden supports leaving decisions regarding legalization for recreational use up to the states; rescheduling Cannabis as a Schedule II Drug so researchers can study its positive and negative...
  3. B

    The War at Home

    With everything that has transpired I can't help but feel like the war is over. It began with a monopoly on raw material for the production of paper, was stoked by the flames of racism, and has been used to promote financial caste and disenfranchise millions of people around the world. There...
  4. P

    Hopes for nationwide decriminalization of Marijuana lifted after two Georgia victories

    Cannabis stocks soar as Georgia Senate elections boost investor hopes for decriminalization Pot stocks rallied on Wednesday as the results of Georgia's Senate runoff elections lifted investors' hopes for nationwide decriminalization...
  5. Dr.baxtorcyrus

    we want to leagalize in india as well.

    here in India people are working really hard on the legalization and government also started to grow the plant but only for the medicinal purposes. its really easy to find weed in India and marijuana is originated form the the hills of Himalaya but its really bad for many a times. so if it gets...
  6. emepher

    CBD and hemp legalized

    Good news for Ohio CBD users! On July 30th, Governor DeWine signed Senate Bill 57, officially legalizing CBD and low-THC hemp in Ohio. CBD had previously been illegal, aside from its availability as medical marijuana at dispensaries, although tolerance and prosecution varied widely across the...
  7. ChiefRunningPhist

    'CGC' to buy 'Acreage Holdings' for 3.4 billion if US legalized MJ... Your move USA...

    " Canadian pot company Canopy Growth last week announced it entered an agreement to purchase Acreage Holdings, a US pot company, for $3.4 billion conditional on the federal legalization of marijuana in the US. "...
  8. DNAprotection

    Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

    Read full more detailed version of this piece here: Civil rights get you to the market, Human rights get you through life. Short (extremely edited) version: In February, 2016, the...
  9. DNAprotection

    Missing GMcannabis Regulations Cultivates into Bio-Threat to National Security The other reason the feds are moving fast on "legalization": Are you the kind of person who takes it seriously when a Director of National Intelligence reports (in his February, 2016...
  10. DNAprotection

    Why no GMO cannabis id process in "legal" states?

    In Colorado, California etc., there is no process in place to require identification and regulation of genetically engineered cannabis. At this point in time you really have no clue, other than the word of the seller, if your cannabis is GMO or not. All other commercial crops are regulated for...
  11. DNAprotection

    old soldier still fighting for freedom...

    I'm not new, but I don't think I ever said hi here before and I've been gone a while so thought I would post this vid as an introduction. I would also offer this, the corporate cannabis "legalization" we see manifesting across the country is not what I was fighting for. In 1993, right after I...
  12. DNAprotection

    A simple test for cannabis legalization legislation...

    A simple yet critical test to help folks understand what kind of law they are voting on when they vote on (or are writing) cannabis legalization legislation:
  13. DNAprotection

    Where did "legalization" go wrong & how to fix it...

    Cannabis legalization is far more complex and important then it's being framed to be by the viewpoints that have main stream media access, and as a result, many questions that should be asked are intentionally just not there. One such important question should be, why not fight for human rights...
  14. jjng5

    Pennsylvania to legalize recreational MJ & home cultivation

    Pennsylvania Governor and legislature will be voting on a bill to legalize recreational marijuana including home cultivation of up to six plants. The new bill has provisions that would protect employees from being fired for having a nonintoxicating level of THC in their blood. It would also...
  15. DarkQueen

    MARIJUANA PRIVATE USE AND GROW LEGALIZED in South Africa 18.09.2018- History has just been made..

    Darlings!! So today this happened: This is the biggest news in the history of ever for South African smokers and growers. This day has been fought for for SO long, for so...
  16. Green Light District

    Any States or Territories with Experience Similar to Florida?

    Hi Guys, I recently posted this in another forum and was wondering if the sentiment was any different here. Not sure who's in FL or who's been following FL politics but back in 2016 the voters decided to legalize medical and won the ballot fair and square. Florida then proceeded to legalize...
  17. JAMO_Grow

    South African Legalization of Cannabis

    I understand that there are other posts focusing on this topic.The news is not what I would call recent by any means, however I think it would be interesting to have a discussion on whether it is ethical for police to still be able to raid individuals houses after the ruling for cannabis to be...
  18. Tom Tucker 313


    The original artical can be found at: The Cato Institute’s Ilya Shapiro recently spoke at the Law School concerning the status of relaxed state marijuana laws in light of the federal...
  19. GroErr

    Alberta announces framework for Provincial legalization (rec) policies

    Didn't see this posted, just flashed across my newsfeed about an hour ago. Highlights: 18 and over 30g limits (same as federal) 4x plants with 1 metre height restrictions NO OUTDOOR Controlled...
  20. Abiqua

    By The Time You Finish Reading This Story, Someone Will Have Been Arrested For Weed Even as states continue to push for recreational marijuana reform, 2016 saw a shocking increase in drug arrests, with marijuana...