legal information

  1. S

    How to avoid raising red flags (question)

    Hi, I’d like to start my growing journey and am new to everything. The state I live in has not legalized weed and I was just wondering how I can avoid raising red flags. I don’t plan to grow a bunch of plants at once, but one or two at a time using a 600W LED. Assuming it would raise my electric...
  2. maureen6520

    Need help trying to find an expert witness for legal case.

    Hello! This is my first time posting here on my information quest to help a friend with his court case. He is in need of an expert witness who can give court testimony for his upcoming re-trial. There were a couple lined up already but neither has worked out, one for health reasons, so the...
  3. AverageJoe1

    Legal Question

    If one has a non drug related felony, and is on probation without mandated drug testing, can a Michigan Medical Marijuana card be obtained? For personal use only.
  4. DarkQueen

    MARIJUANA PRIVATE USE AND GROW LEGALIZED in South Africa 18.09.2018- History has just been made..

    Darlings!! So today this happened: This is the biggest news in the history of ever for South African smokers and growers. This day has been fought for for SO long, for so...
  5. C

    Denver to Vegas with a 1/4 oz 2017

    Hey all, I currently live In Ga, but my wife, young daughter and I are planning a move to las Vegas soon, we plan to take a greyhound bus cross country for 58 hours ( our ONLY option btw ) and it ends up stopping in Denver, Co for an hour, about 12 hrs before we reach vegas. I was wondering if...
  6. R

    Need help- License Required to start edible biz in CA?

    Hello- I'm looking to start an edible business in CA selling to dispenceries. Does anyone know exactly what licenses are required to be legal? Any help would be appreciated...thanks in advance.
  7. I

    Cops entered Home and found Personal Grow Operation

    Hey guys, like the title suggests, the cops had a "domestic violence" call due to a heated argument between two family members, and entered the house. Upon entering they found the grow room and asked if anyone had a "permit" to grow this, to which I responded by showing my doctors...